#Festa grande a #Silvi per le 100 candeline di padre #DionisioLattanzi
#Silvi Marina. #Festa grande a #Silvi per i 100 anni di #Padre #DionisioLattanzi. Domenica prossima sarĂ festa grande al convento dei frati minori conventuali che reggono la parrocchia #SantaMariaAssunta per i 100 anni di #Padre #DionisioLattanzi, sacerdote francescano che ha svolto per diversi decenni il suo apostolato a #Silvi. #Padre #Dionisio,
L'articolo #Festa grande a #Silvi per le 100 candeline di padre #DionisioLattanzi sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Big party in #Silvi for Father #DionisioLattanzi's #100th birthday candle
#Silvi Marina. Big party in #Silvi for the #100th birthday of Father #DionisioLattanzi. #NextSunday it will be a big party at the convent of the Friars Minor Conventual who run the parish of #SantaMariaAssunta for the #100th birthday of Father #DionisioLattanzi, a #Franciscan priest who has carried out his apostolate in #Silvi for #severaldecades. Father #Dionisio,
The article Big celebration in #Silvi for Father #DionisioLattanzi's #100th birthday candles appeared #first on #AbruzzoLive.
3-5-2023 18:6 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/festa-grande-a-silvi-per-le-100-candeline-di-padre-dionisio-lattanzi/
#festa #silvi #dionisiolattanzi #padre #santamariaassunta #dionisio #abruzzolive #100th #nextsunday #franciscan #severaldecades #first
So many new people lately, I suppose i should drop an #introduction post.
Triple A battery extraordinare #ace #aro #agender building my life around amazing partners and chosen family.
I'm a #GrantWriter and #Housing4All advocate for a #nonprofit org in #Vermont.
I'm also a #SpiritualDirector and #Ecumenical #Franciscan living in an intentional community. #faithfullylgbtq
Interests include:
#linux #fantasy #scifi #AuDHD #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #TraumaInformedCare #poetry
#introduction #ace #aro #agender #grantwriter #housing4all #nonprofit #vermont #spiritualdirector #ecumenical #franciscan #faithfullylgbtq #linux #fantasy #scifi #audhd #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #traumainformedcare #poetry
"A time will come when the #religion loved by #God will have such a bad reputation because of bad examples that it will be embarrassing to go out in public." ~ St. Francis of Assisi (source: The Assisi Compilation) #StFrancis #Christianity #Franciscan
#religion #god #stfrancis #christianity #franciscan
So many new people lately, I suppose i should drop an #introduction post.
Triple A battery extraordinare #ace #aro #agender building my life around amazing partners and chosen family.
I'm a #GrantWriter and #Housing4All advocate for a #nonprofit org in #Vermont.
I'm also a #SpiritualDirector and #Ecumenical #Franciscan living in an intentional community. #faithfullylgbtq
Interests include:
#linux #fantasy #scifi #AuDHD #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #TraumaInformedCare #poetry
#introduction #ace #aro #agender #GrantWriter #Housing4All #nonprofit #vermont #spiritualdirector #ecumenical #franciscan #faithfullylgbtq #linux #fantasy #scifi #AuDHD #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #traumainformedcare #poetry
Father John Bok, a #Franciscan priest, was driving to Mass in the white Hyundai Sonata saloon when this happened (the driver of the black SUV was taken unwell at the wheel, had a seizure, and lost control).
The young lad was checked over in hospital but was not badly hurt, and the priest and his Hyundai were totally unscathed, not even a scratch.. Looks like guardian angels were busy..
Father John Bok, a #Franciscan priest, was driving to Mass in the white Hyundai Sonata saloon when this happened (the driver of the black SUV was taken unwell at the wheel, had a seizure, and lost control).
The young lad was checked over in hospital but was not badly hurt, and the priest and his Hyundai were totally unscathed, not even a scratch.. Looks like guardian angels were busy..
other things about me: things I used to know something about: #NHL #Penguins, #Buddhism #JodoShinShu #Catholicism #Franciscan, #Alaska #Sitka #MatSu
#nhl #penguins #buddhism #jodoshinshu #catholicism #franciscan #alaska #sitka #matsu