The Chateau de Chambord, located in the Loire Valley of Loir-et-Cher, France, was built between 1519 and 1547 CE. #History #ChateaudeChambord #FrancisIofFrance #RenaissanceArchitecture
#renaissancearchitecture #francisioffrance #chateaudechambord #History
As the Protestant Reformation emerged in France in the early 16th century, the city of Meaux became one of the first centers of controversy. Bishop Guillaume Briçonnet II undertook a campaign to reform the Catholic Church from within and called Lefèvre d'Étaples, a leading figure in French humanism, to lead missionary efforts. Soon they found themselves at odds with the Catholic hierarchy. #history #FrancisIOfFrance #GuillaumeBriconnet
#guillaumebriconnet #francisioffrance #History