Francis Lederer and Ida Lupino in the romantic comedy “One Rainy Afternoon” (1936)
#oldhollywood #francislederer #idalupino #onerainyafternoon
Mitchell Leisen's #Midnight (1939) is a delightful screwball comedy w/ a razor-sharp script by #BillyWilder and #CharlesBrackett.
But it must be said — #ClaudetteColbert has better, more genuine chemistry w/ #JohnBarrymore than with either of the handsome young men she's paired with (#DonAmeche and #FrancisLederer).
It's streaming on Criterion Channel. Watch it and let me know if you agree or disagree!
#oldhollywood #classicfilm #TCMParty #francislederer #donameche #johnbarrymore #claudettecolbert #charlesbrackett #billywilder #Midnight