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#TCD - Trinity College Dublin
#DIB - Dictionary of Irish Biography
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#Kant #Kantian
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a cartoon / text by #FrancisMartin "make sure you lock your front door before you go to bed tonight. You donβt know whoβs out there" . . #banksy
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#TCD - Trinity College Dublin
#DIB - Dictionary of Irish Biography
** People **
#Kant #Kantian
#hashtags #IrishEnlightenment #irishfranciscans #irishcolleges #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #TCD #dib #berkeley #condrury #dorothymoore #flann #flannobrien #FrancisHutcheson #francismartin #georgeboole #jamesussher #jonathanswift #kant #kantian #kingsmillabbott #ladyranelagh #locke #LukeWadding #robertboyle #WolfeTone
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#TCD - Trinity College Dublin
#DIB - Dictionary of Irish Biography
** People **
#Kant #Kantian
#hashtags #IrishEnlightenment #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #TCD #dib #berkeley #dorothymoore #flann #flannobrien #FrancisHutcheson #francismartin #georgeboole #jamesussher #jonathanswift #kant #kantian #kingsmillabbott #ladyranelagh #locke #LukeWadding #robertboyle #WolfeTone
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#hashtags #IrishEnlightenment #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #berkeley #dorothymoore #flann #flannobrien #FrancisHutcheson #francismartin #georgeboole #jamesussher #jonathanswift #ladyranelagh #locke #LukeWadding #robertboyle #WolfeTone
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#hashtags #IrishEnlightenment #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD #berkeley #dorothymoore #flann #flannobrien #FrancisHutcheson #francismartin #jamesussher #jonathanswift #ladyranelagh #locke #LukeWadding #robertboyle #WolfeTone
Noticed it was the death day of John Tillotson (1694) yesterday.
He looks pretty peaceable in his portrait (wiki) but a sermon of his (plus Irish penal laws) provoked #FrancisMartin of Leuvan to write his major theological work "Scutum fidei contra haereses hodiernas" (1714) and he was castigated in #CorneliusNary's first work of controversary "A modest and true account of the chief points in controversy between Roman Catholics and protestants" (1696).
#francismartin #corneliusnary #irishphilosophy