45 years ago:
Attention, the Kids Are Watching (FR)
Original title: Attention, les enfants regardent
In a seaside villa, under the care of a nanny, a group of children spend most of their days watching violent television shows.
#AttentiontheKidsAreWatching #AlainDelon #FrançoiseBrion #Movies
#attentionthekidsarewatching #alaindelon #francoisebrion #movies
60 years ago:
The Immortal One (FR,IT,TR)
Original title: L'Immortelle
A melancholy man meets a stunning, mysterious woman while he is traveling, and discovers she may or may not be involved in a prostitution ring. She disappears after their relationship lasts a few days, and though he searches for her, those around him pretend not to know who he is speaking of.
#TheImmortalOne #FrançoiseBrion #ClassicMovies
#theimmortalone #francoisebrion #classicmovies
55 years ago:
Very Happy Alexander (FR)
Original title: Alexandre le bienheureux
Alexandre, a young and honest farmer, is oppressed by an authoritarian wife, who makes him work like a dog. When she dies in a car crash, he decides to stay in bed, absolutely free and inactive. Just a dog is occupied to carry food and newspapers to him.
#VeryHappyAlexander #YvesRobert #PhilippeNoiret #FrançoiseBrion #MarlèneJobert #AndréeWerlin #ClassicFilm #Film
#veryhappyalexander #yvesrobert #philippenoiret #francoisebrion #marlenejobert #andreewerlin #classicfilm #film