59 years ago:
The Soft Skin (FR)
Original title: La Peau douce
Pierre Lachenay is a well-known publisher and lecturer, married with Franca and father of Sabine, around 10. He meets an air hostess, Nicole. They start a love affair, which Pierre is hiding, but he cannot stand staying away from her.
#TheSoftSkin #FrançoisTruffaut #LaNouvelleVague #FrançoiseDorléac #DanielCeccaldi #PhilippeDumat #ClaudineBouché #WomenInFilm #ClassicFilm
#thesoftskin #francoistruffaut #lanouvellevague #francoisedorleac #danielceccaldi #philippedumat #claudinebouche #womeninfilm #classicfilm
29 Chrysler 75 Roadster. Like or dislike ?
#LHommeDeRio #JeanPaulBelmondo #FrançoiseDorléac
#lhommederio #jeanpaulbelmondo #francoisedorleac
#東京 ということで、もちろん #紀伊國屋書店新宿本店 に行きました。今回は本よりも映像作品を目的に行ったのですが、想像以上に充実していました!
#LesDemoisellesdeRochefort #ロシュフォールの恋人たち #LesParapluiesdeCherbourg #シェルブールの雨傘
#ジャックドゥミ #JacquesDemy #フランソワーズドルレアック #FrançoiseDorléac #カトリーヌドヌーヴ #CatherineDeneuve
#紀伊國屋書店 #新宿
#新宿 #紀伊國屋書店 #catherinedeneuve #カトリーヌドヌーヴ #francoisedorleac #フランソワーズドルレアック #jacquesdemy #ジャックドゥミ #シェルブールの雨傘 #lesparapluiesdecherbourg #ロシュフォールの恋人たち #lesdemoisellesderochefort #紀伊國屋書店新宿本店 #東京
59 years ago:
That Man from Rio (FR,IT)
Original title: L'Homme de Rio
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from ...
#ThatManfromRio #JeanPaulBelmondo #FrançoiseDorléac #AdolfoCeli #Movies
#thatmanfromrio #jeanpaulbelmondo #francoisedorleac #adolfoceli #movies
Catherine Deneuve and her sister Françoise Dorléac, 1960
#CatherineDeneuve #FrançoiseDorléac #1960s #cinema #blackandwhitephotography
#blackandwhitephotography #cinema #1960s #francoisedorleac #catherinedeneuve