“Everything’s on the table” - Key Biscayne rethinking $310 million sea level rise plan :
The uneasiness over the cost of protecting the island from rising seas came even as Hurricane Idalia was pummeling the Gulf Coast with torrential rainfall and storm surge.
#AECOM #barrierisland #drainage #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #FrankCaplan #hurricaneidalia #JoeRasco #resiliencybon
#aecom #barrierisland #drainage #edlondon #fernandovazquez #frankcaplan #hurricaneidalia #joerasco #resiliencybon
Iguana invasion? Key Biscayne looks at fighting against lizard scourge :
“You don't see them. They come out and they eat everything that they can. So it is an issue,” said Roland Samimy, the chief resilience and sustainability officer.
#Agama #FernandoVazquez #FPL #FrankCaplan #Iguana #invasivespecies #JoeRasco #JosephWasilewski #NaturalSelectionsofSouthFlorida #RolandSamimy #seawall
#agama #fernandovazquez #FPL #frankcaplan #iguana #invasivespecies #joerasco #josephwasilewski #naturalselectionsofsouthflorida #rolandsamimy #seawall
First group of KB sixth graders part of MAST’s 2023 Graduation :
The group --several dozen -- were the pioneers of a controversial 2012 deal that modernized MAST while adding seats for Key Biscayne students.
#CadianCollmanPerez #CamilaAcquarone #FourAgreements #FrankCaplan #InsideOut #MariTereRojas #MASTAcademy #MichaelGould #RaquelRegalado #ROTC
#cadiancollmanperez #camilaacquarone #fouragreements #frankcaplan #insideout #maritererojas #mastacademy #michaelgould #raquelregalado #rotc