#FrankenPi is now dismantled and I no longer have a use for the six #RaspberryPi 2011.12
Dunno what they'll fetch on ebay?
I've broken up #FrankenPi I was gonna sell the six Raspberry Pi 2011.12 on ebay but I see one on there for only £5.00 😞
@tpheine #FrankenPi served a purpose. I successfully built a Failover cluster running heartbeat. FrankenPi still sits in my office, who knows, maybe one day I'll resurrect it again?
#FrankenPi's baby brother #clusterhat has come to work with me today. #raspberrypi
#clusterhat #raspberrypi #frankenpi
A guy from Facebook came to my office and bought the Media Centre from my former RAV4. I have no idea who he is but he walked in my office and said "Ooh, the famous #FrankenPi " I was shocked, I kid you not.
Yeah great, guess who's now messing about with this after blowing the dust and cobwebs off of #FrankenPi?
RT @jontheniceguy@twitter.com
@dick_turpin@twitter.com `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y` - Fixed it for you :)
Or, for lots of remote hosts, `ansible-playbook -i inventory upgrade.yml` when you've got this playbook: https://github.com/JonTheNiceGuy/ansible_upgrade_debian_based_system
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jontheniceguy/status/1161917154909925376
I have jumped through some hoops on two of the #FrankenPi nodes (05 & 06) and: [Deep intake of breath]
uninstalled docker with the purge command, installed the latest version (Which is broken) using curl then downgraded to 18.06.1-ce with apt-get
Probably long winded but it works so I don't care.
@wyliecoyoteuk When I fire up #FrankenPi I split the screen into six windows SSH into each one and run say Apt-get update one after the other. That freaks them out because onlookers generally think it's one system getting the guts thraped out of it! LOL
Finally! All six OLED are displaying. Not sure how I managed to get a bent SD card contact on #FrankenPi-02 though? Explains why it wouldn't boot. :shrug_kon:
Right. Loads of problems. Some bad cables (That'll teach me to buy cheap from China) FrankenPi-02 is down (Need to dd the SD card) need to put it all back together. It's not pretty *Display Nox) but it does the job. Oh, and when an OLED starts smoking, just ignore it. LOL It still works! #FrankenPi #Raspberrypi
I'm beginning to suspect PEBAK. I was dead careful but maybe I had my wires crossed? Still checking. Two down, four to go. #FrankenPi #Raspberrypi
Ok, we're getting somewhere. Is glue a conductor? LOL #FrankenPi #Raspberrypi
So I ripped the OLED out of the board, plugged directly on th Pi and it works. #FrankenPi #Raspberrypi #ScratchesHead
#frankenpi #raspberrypi #scratcheshead
I would have said "Good morning fellow Tooters." But it's not a very good morning for me. After all that work the OLED's are not bursting into life anymore. I can't believe it's the cable length. No idea what to do next for the minute. 😔
#FrankenPi #Raspberrypi
@tig @munkybone Test fitting. Need to finish the display front (paint is drying as we speak) and cut an access hole for the jumper cables. It looks too wide but is in fact the same width as the switch. #FrankenPi
Only Pete can go from this to a totally dead screen in 90minutes. 😢 😭 #raspberrypi #frankenpi
Hmm? Should I wipe #FrankenPi which is currently running docker swarm and install Kubernetes instead? It's all very well saying "It's better" but the setup looks far more complicated for a marginal improvement over a swarm.