Its not complicated to understand the concept of synergistic toxicity, for example chemical reactions like aluminum & mercury or medication with contraindications. Just because they wont tell us what exactly is "COVID19" dose not mean that it dose not exist & that the condition called "COVID19" dose not exist , in my experience. Also that dose not mean its only one thing with one mechanism of action. Referencing twenty four previous posts here -> #countryvideo1 . I think Dr. Judy Mikovits said "sarscov2 is a monkey virus" not "COVID19" .
#drjudymikovits -
(For Educational & Informative Purposes Only Not Medical Advice Please Consult A Qualified Health Care Provider. ) #frankenshottransmission #gsh
#countryvideo1 #DrJudyMikovits #gsh #frankenshottransmission
Alpha-Gal Syndrome - Allergy Insider -
This is possibly one of the many things being transmitted from the frankenshot transmission in my experience. -
Synthetic Parasite Long COVID Associated With Venom In Blood Tests - Dr. Ardis -
Jabs & Boostas - Tyler Fischer -
#frankenshottransmission #countryvideo
#frankenshottransmission #countryvideo
CDC Warns of Red Meat AGS Allergy Caused by Ticks An 'Emerging Public Health Concern' - DahbooSevenSeven -
Alpha-gal syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic -
#DahbooSevenSeven #frankenshottransmission
@jade187 - This may not affect you or i however,
(May Twentieth Twenty Twenty Two) - "They' released a nanotech bioweapon and shutdown all the big industry mom & pop competitors and dictated to everyone what to do then pushed a frankenshot on people through fear and made probably hundreds of billions of dollars in the process, dont think for one second "they" arent going to try it again. "They" created the problem waited for a reaction then offer a "solution".
#mikeadamsthehealthranger #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol #countryvideo #frankenshottransmission
(TS: ThirtyOne Minutes FiftyFour Seconds) - I talked about this in the podcasts i made.
#mikeadamsthehealthranger #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol #countryvideo #frankenshottransmission
When I was exposed to someone that got the double moderna frankenshot, I shook their hand, then immediately both my hands and feet got super tingily like "asleep feeling" for weeks, I got extreme vein pains that would come & go for more than four months, a excruciating migraine headache for a whole month, mild painful & itchy covid toes for two weeks, hundreds of really weird fireant antbite like little lesions on my skin for a year in random places mostly on extremities that looked like smallpox or something i call it frankenpox, they where super itchy & filled with clear fluid that would refill in a couple minutes when I tried to pop them, the only thing that I found that would make them go away without scarring & stop itching is putting RSO mixed with several organic essential oils on them. #frankenshottransmission
#frankenshottransmission #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol
@Independent #tilt #frankenshottransmission -
Mark Passio -
#tilt #frankenshottransmission
Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 - PMC -
nattokinase spike protein | FaCTcHEck -