Gizmodo: Get a Look Behind the Scenes of Schwarzenegger's Fantasy Classic Conan the Barbarian #arnoldschwarzeneggerbladesmithjodysamson #entertainmentculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #20thcenturyfoxfilms #conanthebarbarian #theofficialstory #frankfrazetta #robertehoward #renatocasaro #oliverstone #johnmilius #gerrylopez #johnwalsh #roncobb #arnold #conan #films
#arnoldschwarzeneggerbladesmithjodysamson #entertainmentculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #20thcenturyfoxfilms #conanthebarbarian #theofficialstory #frankfrazetta #robertehoward #renatocasaro #oliverstone #johnmilius #gerrylopez #johnwalsh #roncobb #arnold #conan #films
Now for something different. Watching #ralphbakshi & #frankfrazetta's #fireandice.
#ralphbakshi #frankfrazetta #fireandice
Einblicke zu #BlastFromThePast Schätzen 4:
Lustigerweise hab ich gerade erst festgestellt, dass meine ganzen Bücher der #Conan Reihe von Heyne um 1985 alle ein Foto von #ArnoldSchwarzenegger auf dem Cover haben. Und das mir als Fan von #frankfrazetta. Wie konnte das nur passieren, wo es doch unzählige passende Kunstwerke gegeben hätte? 😆
#retro #fantasy #conanthebarbarian #Schwarzenegger
#blastfromthepast #Conan #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #frankfrazetta #retro #fantasy #conanthebarbarian #Schwarzenegger
New upcoming comic based on 80s Ralph Bakshi animated fantasy classic, FIRE AND ICE (1983).
#FireAndIce #RalphBakshi #FrankFrazetta #RoyThomas #BillWillingham #LeonardoManco #comics
#comics #leonardomanco #billwillingham #roythomas #frankfrazetta #ralphbakshi #fireandice
Conan of Cimmeria by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Lin Carter
Sphere variant, 1974, of the 1969 Lancer edition. My own copy.
Cover art Frank Frazetta.
#FantasyFriday #RobertEHoward #Conan #FrankFrazetta #coverart #pulp #Lancer #Ace #fantasy #voidpunk
#fantasyfriday #robertehoward #conan #frankfrazetta #coverart #pulp #lancer #ace #fantasy #voidpunk
Happy birthday to iconic fantasy artist #FrankFrazetta - here's his cover art for Eerie magazine #7
#frankfrazetta #PulpCoverArt #witchart
Frazetta's🎂 art was greatly influenced by Czech painter Zdenek Burian, himself a prolific illustrator of fantasy novels, science fiction and adventure stories, as well as wildlife scenes. Frank admitted to being a great admirer (perhaps copyist?) of Burian.
#art #comics #Illustration #FrankFrazetta
#art #comics #illustration #frankfrazetta
Conan by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Lin Carter
Ace reprint, 1977, of the 1967 Lancer edition. My own copy.
Cover art Frank Frazetta.
#FantasyFriday #RobertEHoward #Conan #FrankFrazetta #coverart #pulp #Lancer #Ace #fantasy #voidpunk
#fantasyfriday #robertehoward #conan #frankfrazetta #coverart #pulp #lancer #ace #fantasy #voidpunk
#hotelparadiso #frankfrazetta #GinaLollobrigida #AlecGuiness #movies #1960s
A really different book but stories by Morrison and at by the Biz is very hard to pass up. And the #horror slant to this was totally different than the old school superhero genre for me at the time.
I mean look at this cover. So reminiscent of #FrankFrazetta.
#horror #frankfrazetta #Verotika #grantmorrison #glenndanzig #simonbisley #craighamilton #tednaifeh #verotik #comicbooks #comicbook #comics #comic #comicstodon #gcbri
Perhaps a Re-#Introduction is in order since there's so many more people in this space to share stories and insights with.
I'm an #Alchemist. I manipulate symbols and materials to effect #transformations and thus transform myself.
My practice was revealed to me in a series of trances by an ancient #goddess who has many historical forms. Some of these are the #Kemetic goddesses known as the Eyes of Ra. She recently revealed to me that she would like me to refer to her as #Hathor. I'm not second guessing that advice.
I'm a cis het old guy (58) happy married for 25 years. I adore women. Mostly from afar.
Race- white, blue eyed ethnic jew.
My technique is centered on an apparatus I built based on a design the goddess revealed. I later connected the components and operation symbolically to equipment and processes described in classic #Alchemy sources.
I'm a non-traditional Alchemist. I don't use a forge or do metallurgy. My device is electrical and uses a type of #crystal to focus energy. It can roughly be described as a type of lamp. The picture shows the output of my process. It's called a #Violograph.
It is commonly asserted, and I agree, that the coveted philosopher's stone refers to the practitioners themselves. As the goal of the process it is in reality the transformed person.
This is done by separating the spirit and soul from the #body, changing them and then re-uniting them in the body again. Carl #Jung has some interesting ideas on this.
Politically- #anarchosyndicalist and card carrying #Wobbly. I’ve been working at the same factory for 28 years.
Other areas of interest besides the #occult are listed below.
I write songs, play electric #bass and #ukulele. Not famous at all.
A few faves-
#HerbertSpencer (I know- cringe)
Food: #glutenfree, I'll take what I can get. Non-celiac.
Drink- #pinotgrigio wine spritzers mostly.
A pinch of #weed goes a looooonnnng way. After 45 years of smoking I'm a total lightweight now that it's legal here. That's #Chicago (officially a suburb 10 miles outside city limits), btw.
Everyone I’ve met here is awesome!
Peace and Solidarity!
#introduction #alchemist #transformations #goddess #Kemetic #Hathor #alchemy #crystal #violograph #body #jung #anarchosyndicalist #Wobbly #occult #bass #ukulele #motorhead #hankwilliams #carolinachocolatedrops #budgie #judaspriest #johnnywinter #buddyguy #hottuna #williamelliotwhitmore #jackbruce #gustavklimt #jackkirby #frankfrazetta #ernstfuchs #gilbertshelton #plotinus #herbertspencer #maxstirner #hegel #heraclitus #iamblichus #glutenfree #pinotgrigio #Weed #chicago #findfriends
Anime #Fall2022 #Ranking 21/24 -
#Bastard!! #HeavyMetalDarkFantasy Part 2
The definition of a #GuiltyPleasure, Bastard!! part 2, on #Netflix, is exactly what a male preteen metal-head would dream up as their ideal #anime. It’s violent, sexual, & over-the-top in every regard. He-Man meets a metal album cover or #FrankFrazetta work.
It’s immature to its core, knows it, and loves that about itself. If you think it sounds like a good time, you may like it. Despite my better judgement, I did.
#frankfrazetta #Anime #Netflix #guiltypleasure #heavymetaldarkfantasy #bastard #ranking #fall2022
Recently I had the privilege of joining the Discord Server dedicated to the legendary artist Frank Frazetta and shared my own work created by the inspiration of #ZackSnyder's #ManOfSteel portrayed by #HenryCavill and Kara Zor El / Supergirl portrayed by #SashaCalle
And of course the #frankfrazetta influence on me is obvious too. Such a welcoming community that blessed my work with encouraging words; I'm glad to be there!
#MastoArt #mastadonart #sarafrazetta #frazettagirls #frazettaverse #frankfrazetta #sashacalle #henrycavill #manofsteel #zacksnyder
Death Dealer by #FrankFrazetta
I wonder where this painting now hangs. I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of the 100 most famous paintings in the world.
Tonight, he rides! #FrankFrazetta #SilverWarrior #SantaClaus #ChristmasEve #BetterBeGood #MerryChristmas #SafeTravels
#frankfrazetta #silverwarrior #santaclaus #christmaseve #betterbegood #merrychristmas #safetravels
The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta - new book from Taschen
#books #illustration #frankfrazetta
#NCBD pickup- Gods Against Groo #1 (like they have a prayer) and Death Dealer #8, I can't say no to a comic book with a Frazetta cover!
#frankfrazetta #groo #sergioaragones #comicbook #comics #ncbd
Ballantine Books, 1964. Black and white reprints from the EC horror titles in paperback form, the first time those stories were reprinted since Fredric Wertham’s crusade ended most of the EC line. Frank Frazetta provides the cover with a unique self portrait.
#ECComics #BallantineBooks #FrankFrazetta #TalesFromtheCrypt #EC #Comics @comics @comicstodon
#eccomics #ballantinebooks #frankfrazetta #talesfromthecrypt #ec #comics
It’s here and it’s beautiful! 468 pages of oversized epicness! 🤩
#FrankFrazetta #FantasyArt #ScifiArt #swordandplanet #artbooks #Taschen
#frankfrazetta #fantasyart #scifiart #swordandplanet #artbooks #taschen