#IndieAuthorNews #News #AhmedRashad #Arabworld #Arabic #BookFairs #CairoInternationalBookFair #DigitalPublishing #Ebooks #Egypt #FrankfurtBookFair #MiddleEast #PenguinRandomHouse
At Cairo International Book Fair: Armfuls of Books
At this year's Cairo International Book Fair, topics are the cost of printing, inflation, and piracy, as fair-goers arrive to buy books.
The post At Cairo International Book...
#indieauthornews #news #ahmedrashad #arabworld #arabic #bookfairs #cairointernationalbookfair #digitalpublishing #ebooks #egypt #frankfurtbookfair #middleeast #penguinrandomhouse
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Asia #BookFairs #ChildrensBooks #COVID19 #DigitalPublishing #FrankfurtBookFair #GuestofHonor #Illustration #Poland #Taiwan
Taipei International Book Exhibition Opens Its 31st Edition
The 31st Taipei International Book Exhibition has opened its run with professional programming as well as public-facing entertainment.
The post Taipei International Book E...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #asia #bookfairs #childrensbooks #covid19 #digitalpublishing #frankfurtbookfair #guestofhonor #illustration #poland #taiwan
#IndieAuthorNews #News #CANIEM #FrankfurtBookFair #LatinAmerica #MetabooksBrasil #MetabooksMexico #Metadata #Mexico #MVB #RonaldSchild
Mexico: MVB América Latina Opens Discounted Access to Metabooks
The pandemic has heightened the need for strong metadata management in the Mexican marketplace, say principals of MVB.
The post Mexico: MVB América Latina ...
#indieauthornews #news #caniem #frankfurtbookfair #latinamerica #metabooksbrasil #metabooksmexico #metadata #mexico #mvb #ronaldschild
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BerlinInternationalFilmFestival #BerlinaleCoProductionMarket #BooksatBerlinale #BookstoFilm #Europe #Film #FrankfurtBookFair #Germany #Rights
‘Books at Berlinale’ To Pitch 11 Titles to Film Producers
Eleven books are announced as part of this year's 'Books at Berlinale' program on February 20 and will be pitched to film producers.
The post ‘Books at Berlinale’ To Pit...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #berlininternationalfilmfestival #berlinalecoproductionmarket #booksatberlinale #bookstofilm #europe #film #frankfurtbookfair #germany #rights
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Catalan #ChildrensBooks #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Fiction #FILI #Finland #France #FrankfurtBookFair #GuestofHonor #Illustration #IndustryStatistics #LiteraryAgents
Rights Roundup: A New Trade Report From Finland
Our first Rights Roundup of the new year features work originally written in Finnish, Catalan, French, Swedish, Italian, and Czech.
The post Rights Roundup: A New Trade...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #catalan #childrensbooks #coronavirus #covid19 #fiction #fili #finland #france #frankfurtbookfair #guestofhonor #illustration #industrystatistics #literaryagents