A Masterpiece In Disarray: David Lynch's Dune â An Oral History (1984 Publishing/Sept. 19)
"Film writer Max Evry goes behind the erratic ride of David Lynchâs Dune like never before, with a years-in-the-making oral history culled from a lineup of new interviews with the filmâs stars (Kyle MacLachlan, Sean Young, Virginia Madsen, etc.), creatives, film executives, and insiders â not to mention Lynch himself."
More: https://www.1984publishing.com/bookstore/a-masterpiece-in-disarray-david-lynchs-dune-an-oral-history
#scifi #dune #davidlynch #frankherbert
#scifi #dune #davidlynch #frankherbert
Gizmodo: Dune 2 Has Been Delayed to 2024 https://gizmodo.com/dune-2-delayed-2024-wga-sag-aftra-strike-warner-bros-1850772289?utm_source=regular #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #militaryfiction #denisvilleneuve #humaninterest #frankherbert #spaceopera #warnerbros #imaxfilms #startrek #arrakis #dune
#entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #militaryfiction #denisvilleneuve #humaninterest #frankherbert #spaceopera #warnerbros #imaxfilms #startrek #arrakis #dune
Gizmodo: David Lynch's Dune Gets Dissected in New Making-Of Book https://gizmodo.com/david-lynch-dune-making-of-book-excerpt-frank-herbert-1850763825 #entertainmentculture #vladimirharkonnen #giannettoderossi #kennethmcmillan #craigcampobasso #baronharkonnen #luigirocchetti #frankherbert #johnpattyson #peytonmassey #bobringwood #kenmcmillan #janejenkins #davidlynch #harkonnen #seanyoung #hisbaron #maryvogt #derossi #maxevry #fatsuit #casting #sting #chani #dune #kyle
#entertainmentculture #vladimirharkonnen #giannettoderossi #kennethmcmillan #craigcampobasso #baronharkonnen #luigirocchetti #frankherbert #johnpattyson #peytonmassey #bobringwood #kenmcmillan #janejenkins #davidlynch #harkonnen #seanyoung #hisbaron #maryvogt #derossi #maxevry #fatsuit #casting #sting #chani #dune #kyle
Low budget #Dune reboot #Arrakis #FrankHerbert https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJgwPSF1/
All this being said, #IanMcNeice is still my favorite Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. His performance is so thespian and he just eats up the scenery in both Sci Fi Channel series.
#ianmcneice #Dune #childrenofdune #frankherbert
As we prepare for the arrival of #DunePartTwo, I'd like to say a few words about the several #liveaction #adaptations
First, I just don't get the love for #Dune1984. It's so damn weird.
Before #DunePartOne, my favorite adaptations were the two #SciFiChannel #TV #movie series, #FrankHerbert's #Dune and #ChildrenofDune. CoD is my favorite between the two, tbh, and has a moving #soundtrack despite terrible #CGI.
Of course, #Dune 2021 blew me outta the water and I'm excited to see Part 2.
#duneparttwo #liveaction #adaptations #dune1984 #dunepartone #scifichannel #tv #movie #frankherbert #Dune #childrenofdune #soundtrack #cgi
Herlezing en mijn conclusie is:
- blijft geweldig, hangt aan een van de geweldige scènes
- Ik heb zo veel zin in het vervolg van de film
5âď¸ #boekentoot #Dune #Duin #FrankHerbert #sciencefiction #scifi #classic
#boekentoot #dune #duin #frankherbert #sciencefiction #scifi #classic
âThe beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understandâ #FrankHerbert
Kaum jemand weiĂ, welche dramatische Geschichte hinter Keplers bahnbrechenden Entdeckungen steckt. Erstmals erzählt die Dokumentation, wie der Astronom in Zeiten von Krieg, Verfolgung, Chaos und Aberglaube vor 400 Jahren das Weltbild revolutionierte und TĂźren aufstieĂ in die Epoche der modernen Wissenschaft.
#Weedmob #Cannabis #antipro #Parallelen #Geschichte wiederholt sich?
#geschichte #parallelen #AntiPro #cannabis #WeedMob #frankherbert
@serienjunkies Wenn es am Ende trotzdem gut wird, kĂśnnen sie es gerne verschieben. Ja nicht hetzen und halbherzig durchdrĂźcken
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." -Frank Herbert. Dune, 1965 #Dune #FrankHerbert #FrankHerbertDune
#ai #artificialintelligence #dune #frankherbert #frankherbertdune
Tatooine is Arrakis but with much less detail and drama.
Jawas and Tusken Raiders are the Fremen.
The Sarlacc Pit is the mouth of Herbert's Shaihulud -- a giant worm with crysknives for teeth.
Stormtroopers are Sardaukar, but bumbling incompetents.
(I love Star Wars and Dune so I can point these things out without malice or judgment. Lucas drew from everywhere and designed his story world out of patterns.)
#downthescifirabbithole #hashtaggames #dune #starwars #georgelucas #frankherbert
Just got these beautiful early editions of the final four #dune novels to round out my collection of the series. Iâve got so many other #books in my queue but I couldnât pass up the opportunity to own these!
Also, Iâm wicked hyped for #duneparttwo
#dune #books #duneparttwo #bookstadon #sciencefiction #scifi #frankherbert
It is not that #power corrupts, but that it is magnetic to the corruptible
Avatar 3: The Way of -- Whoops, No Water!Â
The water-loving alien tribe migrates en masse to Arrakis, Dune, desert planet. Quickly dehydrate and die off, going extinct in the film's first few minutes.Â
#rejectedmovieplots #hashtaggames #depressing #ecosystems #climate #dune #avatar #shortfilms #frankherbert #jamescameron
Ars Technica: Christopher Walken is an evil emperor in latest trailer for Dune: Part 2 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951121 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #entertainment #filmtrailers #FrankHerbert #WarnerBros. #Dune:part2 #Trailers #Culture #film
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #entertainment #filmtrailers #frankherbert #warnerbros #dune #trailers #Culture #Film
Christopher Walken is an evil emperor in latest trailer for Dune: Part 2 - TimothĂŠe Chalamet's Paul Atreides is ready to fight in the new trailer for Dune: ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951121 #entertainment #filmtrailers #frankherbert #warnerbros. #dune:part2 #trailers #culture #film
#film #culture #trailers #dune #warnerbros #frankherbert #filmtrailers #entertainment
Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer
The saga continues with Dune: Part Two, based on Frank Herbert's novel, with an expanded all-star international ensemble cast
#MoviesVideoTheater #TrailerPark #BrianHerbert #DenisVilleneuve #FrankHerbert #HansZimmer #JoshBrolin #TimotheChalamet #Zendaya
#moviesvideotheater #trailerpark #brianherbert #denisvilleneuve #frankherbert #hanszimmer #joshbrolin #timothechalamet #zendaya
Power attracts the corruptible. Absolute power attracts the absolutely corruptible. ~ #FrankHerbert #quotes #corruption #politicians
#frankherbert #quotes #corruption #politicians
I rewatched Dune (2021) twice in one week. I enjoy it even more with each viewing. Much better than the original movie and the miniseries.
I'm also a fan of the classic Westwood Studios games, and I love the Dune lore in general.
But I've never actually *read* Dune. I tried it twice before when I was a kid, but always got stuck. I think it was too much for me back then, but maybe it's time to give it another crack.