Remembering trombonist Curtis Fowlkes (1950-2023) playing with Bill Frisell and with the Jazz Passengers. #111Words #CurtisFowlkes #Trombone #Jazz #BillFrisell #Quartet #RonMiles #EyvindKang #TheJazzPassengers #DebbieHarry #Blondie #TheTideIsHigh #IfIWereABell #GuysAndDolls #FrankLoesser
#frankloesser #guysanddolls #ifiwereabell #thetideishigh #blondie #debbieharry #thejazzpassengers #eyvindkang #ronmiles #quartet #billfrisell #jazz #trombone #curtisfowlkes #111words
"Jingle Jangle Jingle", also known as 'I've Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle Jingle", is a song written by #JosephJLilley and #FrankLoesser, and published in 1942. It was featured in that year's film #TheForestRangers, in which it was sung by #DickThomas. The most commercially successful recording was by #KayKyser, whose version #reachedNo1 in the #Billboard charts in July 1942. Versions were recorded by many other musicians, including #TexRitter, #GeneAutry.
#josephjlilley #frankloesser #theforestrangers #dickthomas #kaykyser #reachedno1 #billboard #texritter #geneautry
"Standing on the Corner" is a #popular #song written by #FrankLoesser and published in 1956. It was introduced by Shorty Long, Alan Gilbert, John Henson, and Roy Lazarus in the #Broadway #musical, #TheMostHappyFella. A recording of it by #theFourLads (made March 1, 1956) was popular in 1956. It was released by #ColumbiaRecords as catalog number 40674. It first reached the Billboard charts on April 28, 1956.
#popular #song #frankloesser #broadway #musical #themosthappyfella #thefourlads #columbiarecords
Bug, be a lady tonight?
Pun apologies to #FrankLoesser.
But, yeah, spring has sprung.