A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! In this episode, Andrew and I take a look at the 1993 comedy #NationalLampoon's #LoadedWeapon1! https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-07-17T08_16_18-07_00 #SamuelLJackson #EmilioEstevez #KathyIreland #GeneQuintano #FrankMcRae #TimCurry #WilliamShatner #WhoopiGoldberg
#whoopigoldberg #williamshatner #timcurry #frankmcrae #genequintano #kathyireland #emilioestevez #samuelljackson #loadedweapon1 #nationallampoon #podcast #filmstrips
A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! This time, James Hrivnak joins Andrew and I take a look at the 16th #JamesBond film, #LicenceToKill! https://podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-07-03T08_42_35-07_00
#TimothyDalton #JohnGlen #CareyLowell #TalisaSoto #AnthonyZerb #FrankMcRae #BenicioDelToro #DesmondLlewelyn
#desmondllewelyn #beniciodeltoro #frankmcrae #anthonyzerb #talisasoto #careylowell #johnglen #timothydalton #licencetokill #jamesbond #podcast #filmstrips
Hijack (1998)
I have a high tolerance for crap but a soft spot for this. It’s messy, ugly and hardly thrilling. However, it’s fun, interesting and full of enjoyable performances.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BethToussaint #BrentHuff #ErnieHudson #FrankMcRae #Hijack #JeffFahey #LarryManetti #NeverSurrender #PatrickKilpatrick #RobertMiano #SpeedTrain #TheLastSiege #WorthKeeter
#worthkeeter #thelastsiege #speedtrain #robertmiano #patrickkilpatrick #neversurrender #larrymanetti #jefffahey #hijack #frankmcrae #erniehudson #brenthuff #bethtoussaint #reviews #moviestuffs