A quotation from Martin, Judith:
We are all born charming, frank, and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #charm #children #civilization #frankness #society #spontaneity #taming
#quote #quotes #quotation #charm #children #civilization #frankness #society #spontaneity #taming
Here's another one-off video on a key discussion in Plato's Gorgias, where Socrates ironically credits Callicles with having three characteristics a good judge of souls needs: knowledge, good will, and frankness of speech
#Video #Plato #Souls #Judgment #Knowledge #GoodWill #Frankness #Ethics
#ethics #frankness #goodwill #knowledge #judgment #souls #plato #video
This post examines a cluster of #virtues that includes #straightforwardness, #frankness, #sincerity, #earnestness, #candor, and #parrhêsia.
These virtues have to do with communicating in a way that is clear, precise, efficient, and useful. They show respect for those you are communicating with by “giving it to them straight” and not forcing a lot of second-guessing and interpretation.
#virtues #straightforwardness #frankness #sincerity #earnestness #candor #parrhesia