Gizmodo: NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio Inadvertently Breaks Record for Longest U.S. Space Mission #internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
#internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
It looks like NASA will finally have an astronaut live in space for a full year - Enlarge / NASA's Frank Rubio is on track to become the first American a... - #frankrubio #science #space #nasa
#nasa #space #science #frankrubio
Ars Technica: It looks like NASA will finally have an astronaut live in space for a full year #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #frankrubio #Science #space #NASA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #frankrubio #science #space #nasa