Just listened to "Frantz Fanon's "Black Skin, White Masks" Turns 70. A Radical Foundations seminar by Dr. Lewis Gordon"
#FrantzFanon #BlackSkinWhiteMasks #RadicalBooksCollective #RadicalFoundations #LewisGordon
#frantzfanon #blackskinwhitemasks #radicalbookscollective #radicalfoundations #lewisgordon
Happy birthday, brother Frantz Fanon! #frantzfanon #psychiatry #psychoanalysis #philosophy #sociology #revolution #blm
#frantzfanon #psychiatry #psychoanalysis #philosophy #sociology #revolution #blm
Im globalen Süden ist das #Bewusstsein zur #Kolonialisierung, auch des Denkens und der #Wissenschaften schon lange verbreitet, aber die #Konsumkultur wählt die Inhalte sorgsam ... #PauloFreire und #AugustoBoal waren Brückenglieder in beide Richtungen wie früher #MichailBakunin und #FrantzFanon, wie zuletzt Inge #SchimpfHerken und viele vor ihr ...
#bewusstsein #Kolonialisierung #Wissenschaften #Konsumkultur #paulofreire #augustoboal #MichailBakunin #frantzfanon #schimpfherken
Le langage du colon, quand il parle du colonisé, est un langage zoologique. On fait allusion aux mouvements de reptation du Jaune, aux émanations de la ville indigène, aux hordes, à la puanteur, au pullulement, au grouillement, aux gesticulations. Le colon, quand il veut bien décrire et trouver le mot juste, se réfère constamment au bestiaire.
#FrantzFanon / Les damnés de la terre (1961)
Pankaj Mishra misquotes Frantz Fanon and I misrember Claude McKay. #111Words #TheNewYorker #PankajMishra #FrantzFanon #TheWretchedOfTheEarth #ClaudeMcKay #IfWeMustDie #CaribbeanWriters https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/04/pankaj-mishra-misquotes-frantz-fanon.html
#caribbeanwriters #ifwemustdie #ClaudeMcKay #thewretchedoftheearth #frantzfanon #pankajmishra #thenewyorker #111words
Le langage du colon, quand il parle du colonisé, est un langage zoologique. On fait allusion aux mouvements de reptation du Jaune, aux émanations de la ville indigène, aux hordes, à la puanteur, au pullulement, au grouillement, aux gesticulations. Le colon, quand il veut bien décrire et trouver le mot juste, se réfère constamment au bestiaire.
#FrantzFanon / Les damnés de la terre (1961)
Monde compartimenté, manichéiste, immobile, monde de statues : la statue du général qui a fait la conquête, la statue de l'ingénieur qui a construit le pont. Monde sûr de lui, écrasant de ses pierres les échines écorchées par le fouet.
#FrantzFanon / Les damnés de la terre (1961)
Chaque génération doit dans une relative opacité découvrir sa mission, la remplir ou la trahir.
#FrantzFanon / Les damnés de la terre (1961)
"#Kolonialisme is geen denkende machine, en ook geen lichaam voorzien van verstandelijke vermogens. Het is geweld in zijn natuurlijke staat en het zal alleen zwichten voor groter geweld."
-- Frantz Fanon
"Concerning Violence" by Göran Olsson
#FrantzFanon, #GöranOlsson, #ConcerningViolence
#concerningviolence #goranolsson #frantzfanon #kolonialisme
The Frantz Fanon Dissertation Award has been created to advance scholarship committed to unsettling modernity, colonialism/coloniality, racial capitalism, & heteropatriarchy.
More information soon to be found here (I hope) => https://www.aera.net/SIG153/Awards
... so far on a rival platform 🙂 =>
#FrantzFanonDissertationAward #Decolonial #Postcolonial #Anticolonial #FrantzFanon
#frantzfanondissertationaward #decolonial #postcolonial #anticolonial #frantzfanon
In the nearby public library, Fanon's portrait remains in the entrance hall while occasional events are supposed to keep the memory of his legacy alive
To be re-read again and again 4/ #Algeria #FrantzFanon #LesDamnesDeLaTerre
#algeria #frantzfanon #lesdamnesdelaterre
For the 60th anniversary of #Fanon-s death in 2021, the #AinKerma cemetery and a small public garden attached to a public hospital,both named after him, had been renovated, also upon request by his family, a representative of the local baladeya tells me #Algeria #FrantzFanon 3/
#fanon #ainkerma #algeria #frantzfanon
In the small town of #AinKerma near the #Tunisia-n border, #FrantzFanon is burried on a cemetery of the martyrs, one of hundreds of mostly small cemeteries in Eastern and Central #Algeria that provide the last resting places for those killed during the war of independence 2/
#ainkerma #Tunisia #frantzfanon #algeria
Rent this amazing film! #blackhistorymonth #blackmastodon #frantzfanon #activsm #french #subtitles #filmstadon
#blackhistorymonth #blackmastodon #frantzfanon #activsm #french #subtitles #filmstadon
as someone involved with the radical mental health movement, this has always been an issue that psychology and psychiatry have failed to address because they were colorblind. and because the field was created and perpetuated by white supremacy. Folks like #frantzfanon changed that. and also the fact that therapy was mostly accessible to the middle/upper class. I read a book the explored the divide between 2 generations of asian americans. https://www.dukeupress.edu/racial-melancholia-racial-dissociation.
#FrantzFanon noted when he studied prison guards and prisoner, both had been traumatized by their encounters as well as mental hospital attendants and clients. This is colonialism and white supreamcy. This isn't to equate their trauma as equal. It requires those in power to dehumanize 'the other' in order to abuse them. and those who partake of these systems pass it down as intergenerational trauma.