I had a note to checkout #Frappe cloud and #ERPNext. The idea is it is an open-source Enterprise Resource Planning suite that is easy to install and host. We will try and set it up and explore the #cloud offering as well. To be honest, there is not much success, but we will see it running in some fashion by the end. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/06/15/frappe.html
Die Frappe-Zeit kann endlich beginnen
#frappe du jour
To Madras, to Singapore, to Algiers, to Sfax
like always, ships will be proudly setting sail,
and I, stooped over a nautical chart covered desk,
will be adding sums in thick accounting books
N. Kavvadias - Mal du départ
Why do people overthink coffee?
Just DRINK it, don't overTHINK it!
#Espresso #Ristretto #Affogato #Doppio #Coffee #Lungo #TurkishCoffee #frappé #CafeAuLait #Cappuccino #Macchiato #Latte #Americano #CaffeMocha #FlatWhite #Iced #Cortado #ColdBrew #IrishCoffee #BrewedCoffee
#espresso #ristretto #affogato #doppio #coffee #lungo #turkishcoffee #frappe #cafeaulait #cappuccino #macchiato #latte #americano #caffemocha #flatwhite #iced #cortado #coldbrew #irishcoffee #brewedcoffee
@Megannewman99 when in Italy I’d always enjoy a hot, quick #espresso from a gas station while filling up the car. Or a iced #greek #frappe with a straw on the beach ;)
Sto nella fase "ma è er naso tuo o te stai a magna' 'na frappa?". Solo che effettivamente è una frappa, una di N. #frappe #gnam #maanchechiacchiere #alfornoOK #frittoèbonotutto
#frappe #gnam #maanchechiacchiere #alfornook #frittoebonotutto
Any thoughts on #ERPNext and #Frappe framework? Is it worth it to test and consider for business use (education)? It looks good but I mean under the hood. https://erpnext.com/
Weihnachten! Habe mir heute einen Espresso Freddo gewünscht und ihn in meiner Heimatstadt #Essen auch bekommen!
Was will man mehr?
#essen #espressofreddo #frappe
Weihnachten, habe mir einen Espresso Frieder heute gewünscht und auch bekommen
#esspressfreddo #essen #griechischesEssen #griechiischerkaffee #frappe
#esspressfreddo #essen #griechischesEssen #griechiischerkaffee #frappe
Online Meetup by #ERPNext / #Frappe #Tamilnadu Chapter.
15th, Dec 2022 - 3 to 04.00 PM IST
link: https://meet.google.com/ign-izmc-rxp
Installation and bench setup in production and development mode - 30 mins
Community Collaboration Time - 30 mins
Online Meetup by #ERPNext / #Frappe #Tamilnadu Chapter.
15th, Dec 2022 - 3 to 04.00 PM IST
link: https://meet.google.com/ign-izmc-rxp
Installation and bench setup in production and development mode - 30 mins
Community Collaboration Time - 30 mins
This Imperial #stout is heavy on the #coffee and vanilla. That'll be the Brazilian coffee beans I guess. It tastes a lot like a #frappe but made with double cream and a lot of extra sugar. Not much on the nose but the flavours are very deep and leave a great long aftertaste. Dangerously good #beer at 12.2%... and also great song reference. A winner.
Medusa scrolling through her phone. #Medusa #Gorgocutie #Frappe #Icedcoffee #Fantasy #Mythology #Greek #Smartphone https://www.clickasnap.com/i/n746y1psh2yndfsy
#smartphone #greek #mythology #fantasy #Icedcoffee #frappe #Gorgocutie #medusa
Girl enjoying an in iced coffee. #Person #Human #Sunglasses #Accessories #Accessory #Face #Beverage #Drink #Vegetation #Plant #Glasses #Cyborg #Icedcoffee #Frappe #Beach #Summer #Sun #Girl #Woman https://www.clickasnap.com/i/wfx1orx9ei2nswod
#woman #girl #sun #summer #beach #frappe #Icedcoffee #cyborg #glasses #plant #vegetation #drink #beverage #face #accessory #accessories #sunglasses #human #person
Secondo giro di #sondaggio! Voi i dolci di carnevale li chiamate #bugie #chiacchiere, #frappe o #galani? https://social.coop/@GiacomoSansoni/107763097732615034
#sondaggio #bugie #chiacchiere #frappe #galani
Working my way through Harvard's CS50W course at edx. Need some refresher on basic web dev for my next projects.
#edx #cs50 #webdevelopment #onlinecourses #starbucks #frappe
#frappe #starbucks #onlinecourses #webdevelopment #cs50 #edx