Such a privilege to be back in Kloster Medingen and to discuss the #FrauenDerHanse with the Hanse network people! Here's to more #nuntastic adventures with @M_Baeumer & @CariGluchowski!
Nils Jörn zu Frauen im Wismarer Gerichtsschreiber-Inventar für #FrauenDerHanse
Sneak-preview of my #nuntastic lecture on 'The Letters of the Medingen Abbesses in the Lüne Letter-Books' for #FrauenDerHanse conference at Kloster Medingen on my blog (full text & translation of all letters to come but still finalising English version)
The organisers of the #FrauenDerHanse Anja Rasche & Kerstin Petermann presenting new aspects of female agency in the Hanseatic League at Kloster Medingen. Here Anna Büring as patroness
Anybody else arriving 11:08 (or thereabouts…) in Bad Bevensen for the #FrauenDerHanse conference in Kloster Medingen? Listen for 📯 to meet outside the station @CariGluchowski ? #nuntasticüber-uns/netzwerktagungen-und-workshops/medingen-2023/