The maximum of loans eligible for backing by and will rise to $1,089,300 next year in a few expensive markets, such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C., from $970,800 this year, the Federal Housing Finance Agency said Tuesday.

#size #home #mortgage #fanniemae #freddiemac

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard K Green · @keynesianr
116 followers · 29 posts · Server

Belated . I grew up in . Ph.D. in at the University of Wisconsin, with an emphasis on . Serendipitously moved to Estate and . Faculty at Wisconsin, George Washington, and . Stints at and . Married to a geriatrics physician at UCLA. Two daughters: one produces podcasts for , and the other is a coder/artist who teaches at . I love music, esp. and . Decent .

#introduction #lacrosse #wisconsin #economics #internationaltrade #real #urban #usc #freddiemac #hud #marketplace #UIC #classical #jazz #bartender

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Maison · @mattmaisonre
4 followers · 9 posts · Server

FHFA Announces 2023 Multifamily Loan Purchase Caps for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

โ€œThe FHFA announced today that the 2023 multifamily loan purchase caps for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be $75 billion for each Enterprise, for a combined total of $150 billion to support the multifamily market. The 2023 caps reflect an anticipated contraction of the multifamily originations market in 2023.โ€

#realestate #cre #multifamily #fhfa #fanniemae #freddiemac

Last updated 2 years ago