#noncosivicino di #marcforster Tratto dal romanzo del 2014 #Luomochemettevainordineilmondo di #FredrikBackman e dal suo primo adattamento cinematografico #MrOve che #HannesHolm ha realizzato nel 2015, questo #film ci regala un’ottima interpretazione di #TomHanks nei panni del protagonista.
La sceneggiatura è curata da #DavidMagee (autore di script di film come #VitadiPi o #NeverlandUnsognoperlavita ) che ambienta... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=19547 #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #cinemastodon
#noncosivicino #marcforster #luomochemettevainordineilmondo #fredrikbackman #mrove #hannesholm #film #tomhanks #davidmagee #vitadipi #neverlandunsognoperlavita #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #cinemastodon
I just finished #thewinners by #fredrikbackman and gosh, I have LOVED that trilogy of books so much. The ending just crushed me. I heard there was a TV show in the works but I’ve never been able to find it. #bookstodon
#bookstodon #fredrikbackman #thewinners
#Luomochemettevainordineilmondo #FredrikBackman è stato l’autore di un #blog il cui protagonista era un sessantenne solitario e irascibile. Il blog ha riscosso un di enorme successo tanto da diventare un libro uscito in #Svezia nel 2012 e, negli anni successivi, in molti altri paesi. #Ove ha 59 anni e vive da solo nella sua villetta a schiera in una città della Svezia. Molti lo considerano solo un vecchio... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=19157 #mastolibro #mastolibri #libro #libri #leggere #lettura #book
#luomochemettevainordineilmondo #fredrikbackman #blog #svezia #ove #mastolibro #mastolibri #libro #libri #leggere #lettura #book
#mrove” Nel 2014 lo svedese #FredrikBackman (classe 1981) pubblica il romanzo #luomochemettevainordineilmondo che riscuote un ottimo successo, non solo in patria. L’anno successivo #HannesHolm realizza l’adattamento cinematografico del romanzo, di cui scrive anche la sceneggiatura. #OveLindahl ( #RolfLassgård che è stato il primo attore, a partire dalla metà degli anni Novanta, ad impersonare davanti alla macchina da presa il... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=19054 #mastofilm #mastocinema #fil #cinema
#mrove #fredrikbackman #luomochemettevainordineilmondo #hannesholm #ovelindahl #rolflassgard #mastofilm #mastocinema #fil #cinema
"Eine ganz dumme Idee"
#gelesenin #fredrikbackman #lesetipp
„Wenn man ein Kind ist, sehnt man sich danach, alles selbst entscheiden zu können, doch wenn man dann erwachsen ist, begreift man, dass genau dies das Schwierigste ist. Welche Partei man wählt und welche Tapeten man gut findet und welche sexuellen Vorlieben man hat und welcher Joghurt am besten die eigene Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt. Man muss alles selbst entscheiden und wird noch dazu jede Sekunde unablässig von anderen bewertet.”
"Eine ganz dumme Idee"
If you're interested in the #TomHanks movie #AManCalledOtto (based on the #FredrikBackman book #AManCalledOve) I'm hosting a #giveaway for either the Blu-ray or a digital download (US only) over on my IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpORAPerdzD/
#tomhanks #amancalledotto #fredrikbackman #amancalledove #giveaway #movies #books #bookstodon
If you're interested in owning the #TomHanks movie A MAN CALLED OTTO (based on the #FredrikBackman book #AManCalledOve) I'm hosting a #giveaway over on my IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpORAPerdzD/
#tomhanks #fredrikbackman #amancalledove #giveaway #movies #books #bookstodon
Currently #reading #FredrikBackman #AnxiousPeople.
I've read a couple of his other #books but I'm sorta struggling with this one, it's just barely holding my interest.
#reading #fredrikbackman #anxiouspeople #books
#CurrentlyReading Us Against You (the second book in the Beartown series) by #FredrikBackman 🐻🏒
#currentlyreading #fredrikbackman
Literaturverfilmung "Ein Mann namens Otto" startet am 2. Februar https://www.lesering.de/id/4909336/Literaturverfilmung-Ein-Mann-namens-Otto-startet-am-2-Februar/ #Literaturverfilmung #Literaturverfilmung #EinMannnamensOtto #EinMannnamensOve #FredrikBackman
#fredrikbackman #einmannnamensove #einmannnamensotto #literaturverfilmung
Cicilerime kavuştum, ziyadesiyle mutluyum… 🖤👊😎🧿✌️💪🫶👊 #şükür #lucky #fredrikbackman #penguinbooks #penguinuk #book #books #booklover #booklovers #bookstagram #bookstagramturkey #kitapalışverişi #bookhaul #bookstagramtürkiye #booktwitter #booktok #booktube #booktuber #booktubers #penguinukbooks
#sukur #lucky #fredrikbackman #penguinbooks #penguinuk #book #books #booklover #BookLovers #bookstagram #bookstagramturkey #kitapalisverisi #bookhaul #bookstagramturkiye #booktwitter #BookTok #booktube #Booktuber #booktubers #penguinukbooks
@hunkabilly I haven’t tried her books yet, but need to add one to my 2023 list to branch out a little more. What’s your favorite? Just finished The Winners by #fredrikbackman this morning, now onto Strangers to Ourselves by #rachelaviv
Watching a webinar given by #FredrikBackman about #TheWinners and absolutely thrilled. Love his #books.
#books #thewinners #fredrikbackman
#Bookstodan are listing 5-7 of my favorite authors. Here are mine:
#bookstodan #jrrtolkien #stephenking #piercebrown #charlesdickens #fredrikbackman #matthaig #alliebrosch
#7books to know me by? OK. In no particular order:
1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - #DouglasAdams
2. Where The Crawdads Sing - #DeliaOwens
3. Indecent Exposure - #TomSharpe
4. The Moon's A Balloon - #DavidNiven
5. Canary Row - #JohnSteinbeck
6. A Man Called Ove - #FredrikBackman
7. Quite Ugly One Morning - #ChristopherBrookmyre
#7books #douglasadams #deliaowens #tomsharpe #davidniven #johnsteinbeck #fredrikbackman #christopherbrookmyre
@OwlBeSatReading Here are a few of my favourites 😁
And all the others I've forgotten! 😂
#books #authors
#IanMcEwan #DavidMitchell #fredrikbackman #andyweir #SebastianFitzek #paulauster #RobertHarris #KaderAbdolah #KarenMaitland #kateatkinson #conniewillis #ColmToíbín #books #authors
5 books I'd recommend:
1. A Kind of Spark, #ElleMcNicoll - A book about difference & neurodivergence, brilliant!
2. Ten Steps to Nanette, #HannahGadsby - A searing autobiography of an #ActuallyAutistic woman.
3. But You Don't Look Autistic At All, #BiancaToeps The DSM criteria for #Autism from an #Autistic POV
4. A Man Called Ove, #FredrikBackman Emotional; #trauma & #neurodivergence.
5. Klara & The Sun, #KazuoIshiguro What does it mean to be human?
#ElleMcNicoll #HannahGadsby #actuallyautistic #BiancaToeps #autism #autistic #fredrikbackman #trauma #neurodivergence #KazuoIshiguro
Here are some of my favourite writers:
Current Read: Standard Deviation by #KatherineHeiney
#bookstodon #JoannaCannon #stephenking #ruthozeki #LouiseErdrich #richardpowers #jackkerouac #emilybronte #fredrikbackman #SylviaPlath #KatherineHeiney