All this time, energy, and money being allocated to project our nation from a craven thug, his gutless henchmen, and his ignorant, angry supporters…
because Fred and Mary Trump were shitty parents who raised an abject asshole:
Donald J. Trump.
#FredTrump #MaryTrump #BadParenting #DonaldTrump #CriminalTrump
#criminaltrump #DonaldTrump #badparenting #MaryTrump #fredtrump
In 1973, Trump and his father were sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination. They settled. When Trump accuses anyone of “racism,” he’s speaking as an experienced practitioner.
Today, Trump is more receptive to the idea of Black tenants. In fact, Barack Obama, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis all “live” in Trump’s head, rent-free.
#DonaldTrump #FredTrump #HousingDiscrimination #RacistTrump #racism
#Racism #racisttrump #housingdiscrimination #fredtrump #DonaldTrump
Down With Tyranny: #Trump Has Always Been A Wreck Of A Human Being -- Of Course He Sold State Secrets To The Saudis
#opinion #history #roycohn #crime #corruption #espionage #saudis #kushner #rogerstone #richardnixon #fredtrump #JamalKhashoggi #yemen #humanrights #racism #trumpindicted #nuclear #technology
#trump #opinion #history #roycohn #crime #corruption #espionage #saudis #kushner #rogerstone #richardnixon #fredtrump #jamalkhashoggi #yemen #humanrights #racism #trumpindicted #nuclear #technology
WaPo - Trump’s father was arrested, too. Twice. #FredTrump, was #arrested twice: in 1927 during a #KuKluxKlan #riot, and in 1976 over #code #violations at a building he owned in #princegeorgescounty #Maryland. #CriminalJustice
#fredtrump #arrested #kukluxklan #riot #code #violations #princegeorgescounty #maryland #criminaljustice
How can we for one moment consider this balding, bloated spawn of #FredTrump and #RoyCohn think he can get away with #insurrection at a minimum. #DonaldTrump must be tried, found guilty and imprisoned to send the message to the far right #conservatives that there are #boundaries and #consequences for crossing them.
While a referral has no legal significance, the roadmap puts great pressure on the #JusticeDepartment…
#fredtrump #roycohn #insurrection #DonaldTrump #conservatives #boundaries #consequences #justicedepartment