📍 Uralla, New South Wales
📸 Canon 750D
[photo a day in may #25]
#CaptainThunderbolt #FredWard #Thunderbolt #bushranger #Uralla #NewSouthWales #NorthernTablelands #NewEngland #ThunderboltCountry #AustralianHistory #headstone #taphophile #NationalPhotographyMonth #PhotographyMonth #PhotoADayInMay #PhotoADay #photography #VMKPhotography
#captainthunderbolt #fredward #thunderbolt #bushranger #uralla #newsouthwales #northerntablelands #newengland #thunderboltcountry #australianhistory #headstone #taphophile #nationalphotographymonth #photographymonth #photoadayinmay #photoaday #photography #vmkphotography
“Así te pillan. ¡Están bajo el maldito suelo!”
- Valentine McKee, Temblores (1990)
#Tremors #Temblores #KevinBacon #FredWard #FinnCarter #MichaelGross #RonUnderwood
#tremors #temblores #kevinbacon #fredward #finncarter #michaelgross #ronunderwood
33 years ago:
Miami Blues (US)
When Fred gets out of prison, he decides to start over in Miami, where he starts a violent one-man crime wave. He soon meets up with amiable college student Susie. Opposing Fred is Sgt Hoke Moseley, a cop who is getting a bit old for the job.
#MiamiBlues #AlecBaldwin #JenniferJasonLeigh #FredWard #Movies
#miamiblues #alecbaldwin #jenniferjasonleigh #fredward #movies
"a sunlit neo-noir rooted in quirky character and darkly comic encounters, as two very different men try on each other’s personas for size, and the woman caught between them must also decide between a path of virtue or vice": George Armitage's MIAMI BLUES (1990) is released on Blu-ray from today via #RadianceFilms Review for #LittleWhiteLies
#NeoNoir #FredWard #AlecBaldwin #JenniferJasonLeigh
#radiancefilms #littlewhitelies #neonoir #fredward #alecbaldwin #jenniferjasonleigh
Uncommon Valour (1983)
There is no shortage of missing in action prisoner of war movies from the 80’s, however, featuring a terrific cast and a director of note Uncommon Valour is far from your typical ‘Nam action.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #FredWard #GeneHackman #HaroldSylvester #PatrickSwayze #RebBrown #TedKotcheff #TexCobb #TimThomerson #UncommonValour
#uncommonvalour #timthomerson #texcobb #TedKotcheff #rebbrown #patrickswayze #haroldsylvester #GeneHackman #fredward #reviews #moviestuffs
Exit Speed (2008)
Exit Speed has enough action to get you through it, there just isn’t anything to write home about.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #AliceGreczyn #DesmondHarrington #ExitSpeed #FredWard #JennyShakeshaft #JulieMond #LeaThompson #MichaelStokes #ScottZiehl
#scottziehl #michaelstokes #leathompson #juliemond #jennyshakeshaft #fredward #exitspeed #desmondharrington #alicegreczyn #reviews #moviestuffs
#Tremors was released in movie theaters 33 years ago today.
A true classic. One of my all-time favorite movies.
Val: “Must be a million of 'em!”
Earl: “Nope, just one”
#tremors #kevinbacon #fredward #michaelgross #rebamcentire #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
Such a damn good song for an early HBO flick
#FredWard #JulianneMoore #CastaDeadlySpell
RT @aliyahInterlude@twitter.com
what’s your fav original song from a show or movie ?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aliyahInterlude/status/1609653462723067917
#fredward #juliannemoore #castadeadlyspell
“Así te pillan. ¡Están bajo el maldito suelo!”
- Valentine McKee, Temblores (1990)
#Tremors #Temblores #KevinBacon #FredWard #FinnCarter #MichaelGross #RonUnderwood
#tremors #temblores #kevinbacon #fredward #finncarter #michaelgross #ronunderwood
Fred Ward movie Cast A Deadly Spell (1991) is available on HBO Max. #FredWard #Tremors The 1994 sequel Witch Hunt is not officially available but can be found on YouTube.
#dennishopper #witchhunt #castadeadlyspell #HPLovecraft
#hplovecraft #castadeadlyspell #witchhunt #dennishopper #tremors #fredward