85 years ago:
That Mothers Might Live (US)
That Mothers Might Live is a 1938 American short drama film directed by Fred Zinnemann. The short is a brief account of Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis and his discovery of the need for cleanliness in 19th-century maternity wards, thereby significantly decreasing maternal mortality, and of his ...
#ThatMothersMightLive #FredZinnemann #ShepperdStrudwick #RudolphAnders #KingBaggot #MGM #Movies
#thatmothersmightlive #fredzinnemann #shepperdstrudwick #rudolphanders #kingbaggot #mgm #movies
81 years ago:
Kid Glove Killer (US)
Van Heflin stars as the head of a city crime lab who tries to solve the murder of the town mayor by scientifically analyzing evidence.
#KidGloveKiller #FredZinnemann #VanHeflin #MarshaHunt #SamuelSHinds #MGM #Film
#kidglovekiller #fredzinnemann #vanheflin #marshahunt #samuelshinds #mgm #film
75 years ago:
The Search (CH,US)
In postwar Germany, a displaced Czech boy, separated from his family during wartime, is befriended by an American GI while the boy's mother desperately searches for him.
#TheSearch #FredZinnemann #MontgomeryClift #WendellCorey #ClassicMovies
#thesearch #fredzinnemann #montgomeryclift #wendellcorey #classicmovies
Grace Kelly e Gary Cooper in Mezzogiorno di Fuoco (1952) per la regia di Fred Zinnemann
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #FredZinnemann #GraceKelly #GaryCooper #FloydCrosby #HighNoon
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #fredzinnemann #gracekelly #GaryCooper #floydcrosby #highnoon
82 years ago:
Forbidden Passage (US)
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short looks at the U.S. Department of Immigration's efforts to halt the smuggling of illegal aliens into the country. Desperate immigrants, tired of waiting for legal entry, pay exorbitant fees and risk a grisly death to enter by illegal means.
#ForbiddenPassage #FredZinnemann #HughBeaumont #MGM #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#forbiddenpassage #fredzinnemann #hughbeaumont #mgm #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film