VArchS · @varchs
36 followers · 779 posts · Server

I wanted to try on my 2005 - I know I know... too much for the old loyal servant...
I created a as described by @mwlucas and installed the packages as per the . The old servant couldn't handle it... so I wanted to restore my system from the boot environment. After beadm activate and reboot everything went back to the previous state... except hidden files in my home directory...
Is this some kind of a setting in the ???

#gnome3 #ThinkpadT43p #bootenvironment #freeBSDhandbook #zfs

Last updated 5 years ago

VArchS · @varchs
36 followers · 779 posts · Server

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I am migrating my little projects from my RaspberryPi to my old ThinkPad-T43p.
Gopher was a breeze but Apache is kind of rude...
I am enjoying the process though guided by two incredible resources, @mwlucas and

I am pretty positive that me and Apache will have peace soon. Finally, it will allow me to visit my website...

#AbsoluteFreeBSD2E #freeBSDhandbook

Last updated 5 years ago