It would be a much Merrier Christmas Eve if and freedom and democracy loving people around the world were not being actively tortured, disrupted from doing their work, or ignored by the .

Our gift this is a corflute that we painted with a message about which we may attach to wherever we go.

We also gave (#)FediFlyer to adults as a gift.

#julianassange #fakeStream #christmas #fediverse #transportation #giftFediverse #freeGift #pt #freePoliticallyPersecutedNow #FreeJulianAssangeNow #deleteFake

Last updated 3 years ago

Today is the last day to opt out of or products forming part of a . A system of mass surveillance — Amazon's corporate, privately-controlled .

Kind of like a – maybe received as a GIFT?

and .

If you know just one person, tell them today.

#amazon #echo #ring #proprietaryInternet #meshnetwork #trojanhorse #free #deleteamazon #recycleAmazon #monopoly #antitrust #privacy #wifi #speakers #freeGift #networkWars #radiation #raas #surveillance #masssurveillance #meshnet

Last updated 4 years ago