Stronger than his hatebook · @indie
39 followers · 329 posts · Server


A maximum 330,000,000 people in the US can claim a portion of 725,000,000

but he exploited people all over the world!

Who else would love the data science on how many people this would help if it were 2 billion instead? The whole company needs liquidated and disbursed to former users.

I will convert each dollar I get to RUPEES, TAKA and YEN, and distribute SOMETHING to my PoC friends when I get my payout


link below is the link from this page


text from screenshot that exceeds character limit on screenshot description

" The settlement amount will be split by all Facebook users who file a claim, so the more claims that are filed, the less each person will receive.
Facebook users who had accounts the longest during the eligibility period are entitled to the most money. So if you canceled or deleted your account during the settlement period, you may still receive funds, but you’ll get less than people who had accounts for the entire time.
People who deleted their accounts but created other accounts within the allotted time frame should include that information in their claim to boost any amount they may receive.

It may take some time for your share of the settlement to reach you. Payments are expected to go out following final approval, which is currently scheduled for September 7. However, that date could change.
Checklist: Information You Must Provide

The information required to collect your funds is straightforward. Make sure you have your information handy when you fill out your claim form. Missing information may result in a claim denial.

Here’s the information you’ll need to provide:

Your name
Your address
Your email
Your phone
U.S. residency status between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022
Whether you were a Facebook user between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022
If you deleted your account during that time frame, the date range when you were a Facebook user
Your Facebook username

Here’s what to double check before sending:

Make sure you’ve completed the entire form.
Sign the form at the bottom.
Select your preferred payment method: Options include PayPal, Venmo, check or a prepaid Mastercard.

How To Claim Money From the Facebook Lawsuit Settlement

If you qualify for settlement money, there are two ways you can submit your claim: online or by mail.

You’ll have to verify some information, including your address, phone number and all Facebook usernames associated with your account between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022.

If you don’t know your username, you can find it in a couple of different ways on Facebook.

You can navigate to your homepage or timeline. The name will appear in the address bar and should look like this: http_notsecure://

/[user name]. You can also find it by logging onto Facebook and going to “Account” > “Settings and Privacy” > “Settings” > “user name.”

You must verify under oath that the information you submitted is accurate."

#free #freeMoney #wewinwhenyoudeletedhim

Last updated 1 year ago

Stronger than his hatebook · @indie
39 followers · 329 posts · Server


A maximum 330,000,000 people in the US can claim a portion of 725,000,000

but he exploited people all over the world!

Who else would love the data science on how many people this would help if it were 2 billion instead? The whole company needs liquidated and disbursed to former users.

I will convert each dollar I get to RUPEES, TAKA and YEN, and distribute SOMETHING to my PoC friends when I get my payout


link below is the link from this page


text from screenshot that exceeds character limit on screenshot description

" The settlement amount will be split by all Facebook users who file a claim, so the more claims that are filed, the less each person will receive.
Facebook users who had accounts the longest during the eligibility period are entitled to the most money. So if you canceled or deleted your account during the settlement period, you may still receive funds, but you’ll get less than people who had accounts for the entire time.
People who deleted their accounts but created other accounts within the allotted time frame should include that information in their claim to boost any amount they may receive.

It may take some time for your share of the settlement to reach you. Payments are expected to go out following final approval, which is currently scheduled for September 7. However, that date could change.
Checklist: Information You Must Provide

The information required to collect your funds is straightforward. Make sure you have your information handy when you fill out your claim form. Missing information may result in a claim denial.

Here’s the information you’ll need to provide:

Your name
Your address
Your email
Your phone
U.S. residency status between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022
Whether you were a Facebook user between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022
If you deleted your account during that time frame, the date range when you were a Facebook user
Your Facebook username

Here’s what to double check before sending:

Make sure you’ve completed the entire form.
Sign the form at the bottom.
Select your preferred payment method: Options include PayPal, Venmo, check or a prepaid Mastercard.

How To Claim Money From the Facebook Lawsuit Settlement

If you qualify for settlement money, there are two ways you can submit your claim: online or by mail.

You’ll have to verify some information, including your address, phone number and all Facebook usernames associated with your account between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022.

If you don’t know your username, you can find it in a couple of different ways on Facebook.

You can navigate to your homepage or timeline. The name will appear in the address bar and should look like this:[user name]. You can also find it by logging onto Facebook and going to “Account” > “Settings and Privacy” > “Settings” > “user name.”

You must verify under oath that the information you submitted is accurate."

#free #freeMoney #wewinwhenyoudeletedhim

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolf · @Wolf_Gang
33 followers · 287 posts · Server


Here's the story you're expected to believe (advance warning: this story is entirely false): America gave the poors too much money during the lockdown and now the is awash in , which made those poors so rich that now they're refusing to work. 1/


#inflation #economy #freeMoney

Last updated 2 years ago

pothen · @pothen
94 followers · 844 posts · Server


Here's the story you're expected to believe (advance warning: this story is entirely false): America gave the poors too much money during the lockdown and now the is awash in , which made those poors so rich that now they're refusing to work. 1/


#inflation #economy #freeMoney

Last updated 2 years ago

Tosem Rifor · @Tosem
11 followers · 81 posts · Server

Aus dem (Bitcoin-)Hotel Princess in Plochingen.

#freeMoney #bitcoin

Last updated 2 years ago

Ab5al0m · @Ab5al0m
19 followers · 121 posts · Server

For anyone looking to try to make a little money (I'm not a salesperson - or employed by these folks - or making any money from this) - is now providing 3% interest on savings accounts, compounded daily, paid monthly. It's a pretty good deal.


#highinterestsavings #freeMoney #makemoney #compoundinterest

Last updated 2 years ago

@strypey @gabriel
Also meanwhile, we have dictating to govt they want more to build more and wider , and move dirt around daily with massive trucks for new sports and manicured spaces not a single natural person asked for… and ppl actively opposed.

Its hypocritical.

Govt should act in our interest, not the interest of and rentseekers.

We like the idea of 1% having their air taken out, but this seems less than — a "".

#contructionCartel #freeMoney #roads #stadiums #politicalDonors #releaseValve

Last updated 2 years ago

We feel as though the pushers tie their ideology to rhetoric.

They just like exploiting people using **only they** get from their connections to power.

For the past 5 years or so all the have done this which tells us they are either reading the same book, or their is something planned.

We think a UBI is more conducive to a sustainable future than the past 50 years of collusion and CantillonEffect.


#mmt #JobGuaratee #freeMoney #MMTPushers

Last updated 2 years ago

Its a bit late but in 2018 employees, decided they would not train .

That's 's raison d'etre.

And its build on the centralised (by ) that also serves those .

To : its not that are "good at their job". They get (read: ) to expand to crush the internet, while claiming they are "helping to build a better one".

@Lux @Niquarl @Liberapay @jeffcliff

#google #militaryDrones #hCaptcha #amazon #ethereumScam #ethScamTokens #liberapay #cloudflare #freeMoney #bailouts #autonomousDrones

Last updated 3 years ago

Could you imagine if the role of a was to stuff like personal belongings and copies of documents for you?

You might also send them your excess to mine and secure like and or .

Imagine for a moment that they weren't at all about how much they can cough out to people they've really never met.

#bank #secure #solarenergy #zeroknowledge #currencies #monero #zcash #advertising #freeMoney

Last updated 3 years ago


More of what appear to be convenient attacks to in .

It seems the know how to deal with (as they currently exist), but only when they belong to countries that they are one day away from evacuting from after 20 years of getting trilllions in to do what is effectively nothing but commit and line pockets of .

#falseflag #extendAndPretend #afghanistan #usa #airports #freeMoney #warcrimes #militaryContractors #kabul #kabulairport #boondoggle #Raytheon #LockheedMartin #MICIMATT #cantilloneffect

Last updated 3 years ago

> At GNOME, we're so busy asserting our relevance and sucking up that we forgot to make that works consistently — oh, and our website goes against fundamental standards, too.

Dear , step one, please decide whether its a 404 or 403 error, there's a big, bloody difference.

That is all for now.

#freeMoney #software #gnome #GnomeLatestBullshitFound #webdev #privacy #torbrowser #astroturf #moneyPrinterGoMalware

Last updated 3 years ago

Good one.

Amazon is pure evil.

Don't the glowing, mean , though? Bezos is definately not a bitcoiner he's a beneficiary.

#orangeEyes #bitcoiner #freeMoney

Last updated 3 years ago @evelynyap @wizzwizz4

They invented the term during the so the corrupted govt would shower them with .

In reality, they are .

#toobigtofail #gfc #freeMoney #tooBigToExist

Last updated 4 years ago

govt handing out in the form of grants for asset-rich and to ""… as if houses in Australia are not big enough.

That – at a time of ecological and disaster when we need to be consuming less, not building more. The industry is extremely wasteful.

But they strike again.

Are we missing something?

(We can't see anyone from, if you can please boost so they might see it?)

#australian #freeMoney #homeowners #landlords #addMoreRooms #environmental #construction #oneTrickEconomy

Last updated 4 years ago

Unfettered for the winners and and protections when the , overlords of the fail.

We like to think that we are slowly turning the ship around but when we look around people are still terrified of where and govt are going.

Most seem to grasp for any (read: trinkets) thrown at them.

Meanwhile the are having a veritable shoppingSpree.

#capitalism #bailouts #wellConnected #corporateState #bigtech #brioche #onePercent #socialismfortherich #freeMoney #cantilloneffect #assetinflation

Last updated 4 years ago

Dear 's that pay , what do we think spend the money on?

a) improving your home (adding connectivity, solarPanels)
b) building highrise towers that they call investments,
c) lavish holidays and getaways
d) parties
e) , , writing PR and press releases for the about how important they are, and why they need to siphon more out of tenants.
f) all the above except (a)
g) other, please comment

#australian #rent #landlords #fibreOptic #politicalDonations #lobbying #legacymedia #freeMoney #homeimprovement

Last updated 4 years ago

Today we see calling to donate to , that thing they constantly degrade.

The are just sitting there, with access to a constant supply of and trillions in effectively from govts to lord over everyone and laugh all the way to the bank as decays.

This joke has gone on long enough.

Stop the and break up already.

#cloudflare #torproject #GAFCAM #InternetCrimeFamily #bigdata #freeMoney #society #virtueSignalling

Last updated 4 years ago