Hello from the Madrid airport. Sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee and wanted to share this cute picture of Chelsea Manning.
Day 363 of her unjust detention
[EN] Brussels, Place de la Monnaie officially renamed (symbolically and temporarily)
Place Julian Assange
[FR] Bruxelles, Place de la Monnaie officiellement renommée (symboliquement et temporairement)
Place Julian #Assange
#assange #freeassange #dontextraditeassange #freechelsea
#Petition #FreeChelsea https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-free-chelsea-manning-now/
"Her testimony in this grand jury is not needed, and her current incarceration appears to be an attempt to punish her further for past offenses. As she will never be convinced to betray her principles, even by jail time or burdensome fines, her imprisonment does not serve the interests of the grand jury, the government, the court, or the law."
An update from Chelsea Manning's support team on her ongoing incarceration
We wanted to let everyone know about the new website that just went up at https://ReleaseChelsea.com where people can learn more about #ChelseaManning 's current situation.
Chelsea has not been charged with, let alone convicted of a crime, but she can be imprisoned for up to 18 months, until either the term of the grand jury expires, or she agrees to cooperate with their investigation
WOW! Paris Match en défense impeccable d'#Assange sur 4 pages, annoncé en couverture (juste au dessus des royaux UK, délicieux!)...
Si même la presse peep-hole se rend compte que c'est tout le journalisme et la capacité à publier qui sont menacés...
Que font tous ceux qui n'ont pas encore pris position et agi?
#assange #freeassange #freechelsea #dontextraditeassange
Brave, smart ppl in Brussels organizing a hunger strike + expo + workshops, etc. in defense of #Assange and press freedom!
Crucial to have creative actions as well as meeting points for organizing and sharing inspiration!
Drop by: rue Blaes 132, 100 Bxl
#assange #freeassange #freechelsea #dontextraditeassange
Sad to hear #ChelseaManning will miss funeral of her mother - because #Trump holds her in jail to force her to lie about #Assange.
Obama released Manning, but vengeful US pressures her again because they hate that Assange embarrassed the US govt with truths about its crimes
via @jaraparilla@nitter.net
Chelsea Manning just lost her mother Susan. What kind of world do we all want to live in?
Thanks @CiaronOReilly for the info.
Fuck you @realDonaldTrump.
#chelseamanning #trump #assange #freechelsea #freeassange
"First they came for #Assange and #Chelsea, and I didn't care because I read too many articles about #Assange's persona and was gullible.
Then they came for #Greenwald and I didn't care because I 'had no time' and because 'hacking is a crime, you see?' and because Brazil is far away..
Then I realized: 'oh wait?! what?! Shit!!!', shortly before I got arrested myself by fascists hordes."
#MastoFiction #OrIsIt? #FreeAssange #FreeChelsea #DontExtraditeAssange
#assange #chelsea #greenwald #mastofiction #OrIsIt #freeassange #freechelsea #dontextraditeassange
Start the year off right: join the 20,000 who have already signed to oppose the US government's indefinite detention of Chelsea Manning -- a situation the United Nations' Rapporteur has just found legally equivalent to torture. #FreeChelsea https://t.co/6dYKZekXDc
RT @Snowden@twitter.com
Start the year off right: join the 20,000 who have already signed to oppose the US government's indefinite detention of Chelsea Manning -- a situation the United Nations' Rapporteur has just found legally equivalent to torture. #FreeChelsea https://twitter.com/fightfortheftr/status/1212783656047013889
l'article complet:
#freeassange #freechelsea #dontextraditeassange
(surtout si vous en avez marre d'entendre parler d'#Assange, que vous ne l'aimez pas, que vous pensez le connaitre et sa personalité après des années d'attaques par la presse, voire qu'il "a bien cherché" ce qui lui arrive...)
Son sort est celui de nos régimes politiques, de la démocratie, de notre rapport au Monde....
Assange face à un tribunal fantoche
(traduction de
https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2019/10/assange-in-court/ )
#assange #dontextraditeassange #freeassange #freechelsea
Assange in Court.
I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening.
#DontExtraditeAssange #FreeAssange #FreeChelsea #FreeOlaBini
#dontextraditeassange #freeassange #freechelsea #freeolabini
6 months ago, Julian Assange was arrested. Since then his worst fears have been confirmed as he’s been accused of 17 charges of Espionage in the US, where he faces 175 years in prison. For journalism.
Don't extradite #Assange!
#FreeAssange #FreeChelsea #FreeOlaBini
via Courage Foundation
#assange #freeassange #freechelsea #freeolabini
#Assange Behind Bars, by Felicity Ruby
A visit to Belmarsh maximum-security prison
#DontExtraditeAssange #FreeAssange #FreeChelsea #FreeHammond
#assange #dontextraditeassange #freeassange #freechelsea #freehammond
Ola Bini, arrested same day as #Assange, is accused of "alleged non-consensual access to computer & telco systems", and risks for 3-5y of jail in Ecuador... for wearing a #WikiLeaks t-shirt and connecting via telnet to a public IP address *without even trying to log in*...
#FreeOlaBini #FreeChelsea #FreeAssange #TelnetIsNotACrime #JournalismIsNotACrime
#assange #wikileaks #freeolabini #freechelsea #freeassange #telnetisnotacrime #journalismisnotacrime
Ola Bini was seen *wearing a Wikileaks t-shirt*, as part of the accusation against him.
This is part of an all out political persecution of anyone involved with Wikileaks. No justice in Ecuador it seems..
#FreeOlaBini #FreeChelsea #FreeAssange #JournalismIsNotACrime
#freeolabini #freechelsea #freeassange #journalismisnotacrime
via Chelsea Manning @xychelsea@twitter.com
hi all =^_^= prob staying in jail for another year - love getting your letters - thinking of doing college correspondence courses towards my bachelors - thank you for your warm love and strength
Judge won’t reconsider daily fines against Chelsea Manning for refusing to testify...
https://t.co/IyLGRpe3Ev?amp=1 (washingtonpost.com)
Prosecutors Threw the Book at Julian Assange. Here's How That Could Backfire
The Justice Department argues Assange is not a journalist. Journalism advocates say that makes the case even more dangerous, because the Espionage Act doesn’t differentiate between reporters and everyone else. That in turn means a successful prosecution of Assange will set the precedent for prosecuting journalists as spies down the road.
#freeassange #freechelsea #freeolabini