ဒီနေ့သင်ရတာ ပျော်ဖို့ကောင်းတယ် ^^
I’ve completed the first of seven “trophies” for #freeCodeCamp’s new C# certification.
My thoughts on the course so far: the whole setup is a bit odd (you’re really doing everything on Microsoft’s website). But I’m sure I’ll have more to say later.
My thoughts on C# so far: it really feels a lot like JavaScript to me.
Anyone use freecodcamp.org with C# development, and get this error??
"We were unable to verify your trophy from Microsoft's learning platform."
#freecodecamp #problem #csharp
Want to learn C#? There is a new #free foundational C# #certification with #freeCodeCamp using 35 hours of #MicrosoftLearn training https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-foundational-csharp-certification/
#free #certification #freecodecamp #microsoftlearn
#FreeCodeCamp just launched a C# certificate!
This is definitely next on my list!
Whew! This blog post was a doozy, but I'm glad I got it out in the world. 😅
After 1 year of studying frontend web development, here are my top learning resources. If you're #LearningWebDevelopment, I hope they help bring you closer to your goal. Happy coding! 💻
#Scrimba #FrontendMentor #SoloLearn #FreeCodeCamp #KevinPowellCSS #LearnInPublic #CodeNewbie
#learningwebdevelopment #scrimba #FrontendMentor #sololearn #freecodecamp #kevinpowellcss #learninpublic #CodeNewbie
Just finished learning Bootstrap and jQuery on #freecodecamp. JQuery is pretty nifty. I see why it gets used. It allows you to manipulate otherwise hard-coded html elements you’d rather just leave alone. Good stuff. Next up, SASS.
#freeCodeCamp taught me web development, and I'm excited to be back learning new things - more backend, Python, and scientific skills. Also learned some fun moon facts while building a Celestial Database! Like Charon, the largest moon of Pluto, has a reddish-brown cap of organic macromolecules! Fun!
I realize that as a software developer I should have some basic knowledge on web frontend. It's something I am scare of as CSS looks like old magic tricks with random properties.
But I found https://www.freecodecamp.org and I am really enjoying it!
I like learning by doing, step by step from scratch. Sometimes it may feel repetitive, but that's the only way to learn programming. Also the focus on responsive web design and accessibility.
And it's free!
[BR] Como calcular integrais definidas e indefinidas no Python
[EN] How to Calculate #Definite and #Indefinite #Integrals in #Python
#definite #indefinite #integrals #python #freecodecamp
#Freecodecamp #regex book to #JS developers.
@geekosupremo FWIW, here is a tutorial that goes through the practices for accessible forms systematically and hopefully clarifies some of the questions the author of the article has had. (Disclaimer: I helped to write it.)
#accessibility #a11y #forms #freecodecamp
Not every challenge in the Basic Algorithm Scripting section of #freeCodeCamp ‘s JavaScript course can be solved using regular expressions. Or can they? /\w+/g to the rescue!! 😆#regex
Is #freecodecamp on #fediverse yet? #twittermigration
#freecodecamp #fediverse #twittermigration
Most interesting thing I learned about JavaScript today:
You can use objects as a lookup table rather than a switch conditional or if statements. Very handy and compact way to shuffle through cases and lists. I’m a big fan of using switch statements in C++ as I find them more eloquent than the if statement, but often they get way outta control. Throwing all that in a JavaScript object really makes sense. #code #freecodecamp #javascript.
#code #freecodecamp #javascript
Well, I just got my first Free Code Camp Certificate. It's the Responsive Web Design Certificate and I started last year and finally got around to finishing it today. Very happy to have finished it. Looking forward to the next section. #freecodecamp
I’m done with #cs50p Week 5. This week was about #pytest and involved writing unit tests for some of the previous PSETs.
It really wasn’t too bad at all, though it involved refactoring some of my previous code to fit the testing requirements.
Still not as hard as #FreeCodeCamp’s Quality Assurance Cert where you had to write a ton of backend code to test. 😮💨
New video course from freeCodeCamp focuses on Go https://www.fosslife.org/new-go-programming-course-freecodecamp #Go#OpenSource #Golang #programming #training #education #SoftwareDevelopment #languages #CloudNative #freeCodeCamp
#go #golang #programming #training #education #softwaredevelopment #languages #cloudnative #freecodecamp