Major peeve of mine strikes again: #Cardo #Freecom 4+ helmet clamp mount has a quick removal button on the front that ejects the unit "for convenience." The button sticks out enough that it can be bumped, and in fact every time I put my helmet on the helmet lock on my bike, the button presses up against the subframe, and about half the time the $200+ unit ends up on the floor. Yesterday, I failed to notice it had fallen off until after I had ridden off without it, and now it's gone.
It's the third helmet intercom in 2 years to suffer this exact fate, despite switching to a different model and brand in search of one less likely to fall off.
Nobody makes a damn intercom anymore that actually stays put reliably... and of course when it falls off on the highway or in a parking lot and you don't immediately notice and retrieve it, guess what you need to buy another whole unit. I'm starting to think it's a deliberate design decision to inflate their sales.
By the time I replace this one, I will have spent over $1000 on replacing lost and defective shitty helmet electronics in the 2 years since my 10+ year old Sena broke after breaking my helmet's fall.
The quality of everything today is drastically worse than it was 10-20 years ago, and it hasn't gotten any less expensive to buy.
After many years great service, our Freecom Musicpal #internetradio is becoming increasingly obsolete.
#Freecom have shut down their server, so I'm unable to discover new radio channels.
#BBC have changed how they deliver content AGAIN, so it's only available via their wall-gardened players.
Less and less stations have straightforward URL stream available.
:sadkev: :blobcatsad: