Simone Zanella · @simonezanella
9 followers · 4 posts · Server

Il gioco è un potente strumento per la e ne faccio largo uso a scuola: per questi giorni ferieggianti vi propongo la lettura di un scritto dai miei studenti in un progetto che mixa coding e scrittura cooperativa, ambientato a negli Anni di Piombo. Ci sono ancora fantasia e creatività nei giovani, bisogna solo aiutarli a usarle ;) Il lavoro è un e si scarica qui

#didattica #LIBROGAME #genova #freeculturalwork #libri

Last updated 1 year ago

Matt "msw" Wilson · @msw
2313 followers · 948 posts · Server

, , , and licenses (which I think of as "Open Licenses") have practically *no* limitations on modifications. Some carry obligations, like requiring derivative works be made available to others under the same terms (e.g., copyleft), or attribution (CC-BY 4.0).

But you have the freedom to modify the work in *any* way, so long as you satisfy those obligations.

#FOSS #freeculturalwork #FreeSoftware #OpenData #OpenSource

Last updated 2 years ago

This is a place where I could upload my sound files that belong to the collection: "Unreleased CC0 1.0 Universal New CC0 Creations Because They Are Too Raw"

Its all . .

I basically produced some sounds after spending some time on and not wanting to lose my local sounds stored only on my computer storage space, regardless of what quality they are.

I may add versions to them in the metadata like, v2 because v1 was just a loop and made me very bored listening to it for 1m and 34s.

#cc0 #cc0universal1 #freeculture #freeculturalwork #listenbrainz

Last updated 2 years ago

esoriano · @esoriano
50 followers · 42 posts · Server

We wrote a free/libre (CC, free cultural work) book about operating systems fundamentals. It's in Spanish.

Escribimos un libro sobre fundamentos de sistemas operativos, libre (CC, free cultural work) en español.

Download the PDF:

#unix #creativecommons #freeculturalwork #libros #operatingsystems #linux #books

Last updated 2 years ago