IDK. With wizards backtracking today, I still just really don't feel interested in their products right now. I've really found some interesting alternative systems that I'm totally psyched about playing. I might cave and play D&D One if my group is wanting to, but I'm not going to push for it. I'm more excited about playing #earthdawn again, and checking out #morkborg and #runequest and #onering and so many other systems that I largely ignored for so long...
#earthdawn #morkborg #runequest #onering #ttrpg #ogl #freednd #dnd
Updated statement (1/16) from #necroticgnome on the OGL and the future of Old-School Essentials. #FreeDnD #ogl #ose #dnd #ttrpg
#necroticgnome #freednd #ogl #ose #DnD #ttrpg
For those of you looking for new #TTRPG games at this time, there is a Humble Bundle happening for the next 4 days for #ForbiddenLands
#Opendnd #freednd #dnd5e #OGL #ORC
#ttrpg #ForbiddenLands #opendnd #freednd #dnd5e #ogl #orc
Woke up and chose chaos.
Hey instead of all migrating to the second biggest name in town try some of these: Savage Worlds, ICRPG, Cypher System, Blades in the Dark, Knave, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mausritter, Worlds Without Number, Genesys RPG, Burning Wheel.
#freednd #ogl #orc #onednd #dnd5e #dnd
#freednd #ogl #orc #OneDnD #dnd5e #DnD
Okay this is just too good haha. When you come at one of us, you come at all of us.
#freednd #ogl #orc
Gather round, my comrades! It's time to roll the dice and let fate decide our next move against the draconian licensing rules.
#DnD #FreeDnd #Hasbro #license
#dnd #freednd #hasbro #license
New to this whole idea of open licenses? The Cathedral and the Bazaar is a great book on the subject and why open is better than closed.
Here is the author's website for it
#paizo, #KoboldPress #Chaosium #Greeronin, #LegendaryGames #RogueGeniusGames
#dndbeyond #WOTC #dnd #DungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #FreeDND #OGL
#paizo #koboldpress #chaosium #greeronin #legendarygames #roguegeniusgames #dndbeyond #wotc #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #freednd #ogl
Boom! Here is an announcement for you! Bye by WOTC!
"In addition to Paizo, Kobold Press, Chaosium, Green Ronin, Legendary Games, Rogue Genius Games, and a growing list of publishers have already agreed to participate in the Open RPG Creative License, and in the coming days we hope and expect to add substantially to this group."
#paizo, #KoboldPress #Chaosium #Greeronin, #LegendaryGames #RogueGeniusGames
#dndbeyond #WOTC #dnd #DungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #FreeDND #OGL
#paizo #koboldpress #chaosium #greeronin #legendarygames #roguegeniusgames #dndbeyond #wotc #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #freednd #ogl
I'm hearing that now there may be some kind of WOTC video announcement at 5pm central?
#dndbeyond #WOTC #dnd #DungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #FreeDND #OGL
#dndbeyond #wotc #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #freednd #ogl
Update regarding #WOTC. It seems they have canceled or postponed their Twitch broadcast about the OGL.
If you want WOTC to listen to reason, their execs only listen to one thing. Money. Cancel your #dndbeyond subscription and account.
#dndbeyond #WOTC #dnd #DungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #FreeDND #OGL
#wotc #dndbeyond #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #freednd #ogl
If you want to get Wizards of the Coast's attention about their terrible corporate BS with the OGL then go cancel your DNDBeyond account. They can see those numbers on a minute by minute basis. DNDBeyond is the center of the grand plans to box out all 3rd party publishers and hobbyists.
#dndbeyond #WOTC #dnd #DungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #FreeDND #OGL
#dndbeyond #wotc #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #rebellion #freednd #ogl petition for #OpenDnD
#DND #DungeonsAndDragons #WOTC #Open #FreeDND
#opendnd #dnd #dungeonsAndDragons #wotc #open #freednd
And in case anybody cares, I don't know where that leaves Properties & Provinces. It was a passion project and a top bucket list item for me, and to be honest, I'm not sure I even feel like finishing it now, let a lone launch a Kickstarter for it.
#opendnd #freednd #boycottwotc
D&D Friends - Free Source Book on D&D Beyond
Acquisitions Inc. – At No Cost
Celebrate D&D Beyond’s acquisition by Wizards of the Coast with Acquisitions Incorporated – At no cost with your D&D Beyond account! This claim ends on May 25, so grab it while you can.
#d&d #dnd #ttrpg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #dndbeyond #wotc #freednd
#d #dnd #ttrpg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #dndbeyond #wotc #freednd