more nazi groomer minister Rydman news.
he is now evolving the Basic Finn nazi harassment of journalists beyond our borders, targeting a German journalist.
link to the naXis site where this is from if you want to check the related threads as well.
#naziJokeGovernment #nazis #politicsFI #politics #finland #naziJokeMinister #groomerNazi #farRight #freePress #freedomOfSpeach #naziShit
#nazijokegovernment #nazis #politicsfi #politics #finland #nazijokeminister #groomernazi #farright #freepress #freedomOfSpeach #nazishit
@RichardJMurphy really interesting article, especially with what is going on with Lineker etc
#garylinker #freedomOfSpeach #ruleOfLaw
#garylinker #freedomOfSpeach #ruleoflaw
Vexo que Jafar Panahi foi liberado e de súpeto o meu venres mellora a niveis cósmicos! 💜
#freedomOfSpeach #cinema #cinemastodon
#freedomOfSpeach #cinema #cinemastodon
@donnieosullivan Musk does not understand that his action to suspend your account on Twitter makes you a global superstar in a few hours. You were known before but now you are a superstar. This is actually a big gift if you think about it. I am glad that you are with us on Mastodon! #TwitterMigration, #ElonMusk, #CNN, #Twitter #freedomofspeach
#twittermigration #elonmusk #cnn #twitter #freedomOfSpeach
Bit of a dodgy link here! Just trying to connect Twitter to my account here. So much for #freedomofspeach on the bird site!
Donald Trump should join Mastodon and create his own server, true freedom of speech isn’t it?
#Politics #donaldtrump #twitter #freedom #freedomOfSpeach #mastodon
#Politics #donaldtrump #twitter #freedom #freedomOfSpeach #mastodon
@Longuich oei. Is het al van dat? #nadeel #socialmedia #freedomOfSpeach #have #respect #exlamation #mark
#mark #exlamation #respect #have #freedomOfSpeach #socialmedia #nadeel
Und #twitter bleibt was #twitter in den letzten Jahren war. Am Ende geblockt, dabei war ich total lieb. #freedomofspeach
#Snowflake helps people connect to Tor bridges in countries where #Tor is censored.
Snowflake thus enables you to showing solidarity with people in countries with restricted #freedomOfSpeach, but it won't put you at risk!
There are two options how to run Snowflake:
(a) Inside a browser (easy option for most users!): You can install a browser plugin or just keep open the above page in a tab and toggle the purple switch.
Firefox addOn:
Chrome addOn:
(b) If you don't want to keep a browser open, or if you have a computer that runs all the time, you can also install a standalone program (see next toot).
#privacy #censorship #tor #TorProject (boosts OK!) 1/3
#snowflake #tor #freedomOfSpeach #privacy #censorship #torproject