Same pressure so-called christians put on businesses that openly support LGBTQ Americans.
And while he is playing the victim the truth is the loss of business is because he used his faith to target LGBTQ Americans who have done nothing wrong. The month of June can mean different things to different people because this is America and heterosexual christians are not the only Americans who are allowed to openly celebrate who they are. #truth #LGBTQ #FreedomIsForEveryone
#truth #lgbtq #freedomisforeveryone
Keep it up because the only way to shut down the Republican crusade to erase LGBTQ Americans is through the courts. They can't claim free speech is just for heterosexual conservatives. This is America and whether Republicans like it or not our Constitution protects every American. #LGBTQ #FreedomIsForEveryone
So should those who don't believe in faith and Jesus call for a boycott and demand it be canceled because of they are offended?
There was no reason why the Dodgers could not honor both commitments except for hate and intolerance of those who claim to love God and be devout christians but treat God's children they do not like as something to be protested and legislated away passing judgement that according to their faith is reserved for God. #LGBTQ #FreedomIsForEveryone
No one will make the mistake BudLight did by cowardly groveling to hatefilled bigots.
The snowflakes are angry that transgender people exist and are now able to live their lives proudly. Woke is the right's word for anything that is not strictly for white heterosexuals.
They are marketing to the parents of transgender children and transgender youth who until recently had to make do with clothes that were not made for them. #truth #LGBTQ #Target #FreedomIsForEveryone
#truth #lgbtq #target #freedomisforeveryone
Finally. Let's get this going. This should be just the beginning of organized legal push back against Republicans war on our Constitution. Their targeting of medical procedures, private medical decisions, what entertainment is available, parents rights, what name someone can be addressed by, what life someone wants to live, it all needs to be stopped. #FightBack #constitution #FreedomIsForEveryone
#fightback #constitution #freedomisforeveryone
When do people start fighting Republicans' assualt on our Constitution? When do all the organizations that have taken our donations all these years start filling lawsuits?
At what point do Americans who believe in the Constitution (the real one not the one that only applies to white heterosexual christians that exists in Republican alternate reality) say enough? When Republicans come for their rights and freedom?
#countryoverparty #FreedomIsForEveryone #vote #2024
#countryoverparty #freedomisforeveryone #vote
Teachers, librarians and advocates for free speech (real advocates for free speech not the Republican version) are not forcing any ideas on anyone by having these books available to any who want to read them.
Republicans want to take away Americans' feeedom to choose what they believe. They want to control what we can read, what entertainment we can see and are passing unconstitutional legislation at breakneck speed to achieve it. #LGBTQ #FreedomIsForEveryone