Speech by Wojciech Wiewiórowski at #FreedomNotFear conference on Fediverse for Public Administration. Why we try and why we fail?, Brussels, Belgium.
EDPS - Freedom Not Fear Conference 2023 - EU Video
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined this year's #freedomnotfear and supported the fight for human rights in the digital sphere!
For everyone still around in #Brussels you are invited to join "beer not fear" tonight @brasseriedelasenne to reflect and talk about the future we dream of :)
#fnf23 #brussels #freedomnotfear
🇬🇧 Once again I invited the participants of the digital rights conference #FreedomNotFear to the #EP. Let’s join forces throughout the EU on #chatcontrol , #banbiometrics, #EHDS, and so much more!
#participation #privacy #fnf23 #EHDS #BanBiometrics #chatcontrol #ep #freedomnotfear
🇩🇪 Auch dieses Jahr habe ich die Teilnehmer der Konferenz für digitale Rechte #FreedomNotFear ins #EP eingeladen. Lasst uns EU-weit unsere Kräfte bündeln zu #chatkontrolle , #biometrischeMassenüberwachung, #EHDS, und so weiter!
#partizipation #privatsphare #fnf23 #EHDS #biometrischemassenuberwachung #Chatkontrolle #ep #freedomnotfear
I just attended a very inspiring #FnF23 session convened by @erikkemp on the topic of Fediverse governance. People from many countries, backgrounds and groups were present.
In my opinion, it's too early for creating governing bodies, and I'm not sure we will ever need them. What I find useful is covenants that instances can sign. E.g. digitalcourage.social signed the well-known Mastodon covenant <https://joinmastodon.org/covenant> as well as the #fedimins covenant <https://fedimins.net/en/covenant/> which is still a work in progress.
#Fediverse #governance #fediverseGovernance #covenant #mastoAdmin #FreedomNotFear
#freedomnotfear #mastoadmin #covenant #fediversegovernance #governance #fediverse #fedimins #fnf23
Endlich in #Brüssel - mit gerademal 135 Minuten Verspätung und somit pünktlich zum gemeinsamen Abendessen 🍽️ 😋
#fnf23 #freedomnotfear
#freedomnotfear #fnf23 #brussel
Starting now at noon:
Fediverse integration for public administration
We discuss strategic solutions to tackle their challenges regarding the Fediverse integration for public administration.
– location: Aloe Vera
– convened by: Zzepp Oss + Wojciech Wiewiórowski**
The second day of #FnF23 starts with a “What's going on in your country?” session where participants inform each other about developments in surveillance and other ways digitialization is going astray in their EU member states.
@Andreea from @edri started with a quick overview of EU legislation plans.
#brussels #barcamp #privacy #freedomnotfear #fnf23
Wie absurd teuer sind denn bitte #Gleitlagerbuchsen? Schon für die einfachsten Ausführungen sind teilweise mehrere € pro Stück fällig.
Zum Vergleich, für #Rillenkugellager in überraschend guter Qualität für den selben Wellendurchmesser (12mm) habe ich 73 cent/Stk bezahlt. 🙄
Ist aber erstmal auch egal. Jetzt geht es erstmal Richtung #Brüssel zu #freedomnotfear #fnf23 🤪🇪🇺
#fnf23 #freedomnotfear #brussel #rillenkugellager #gleitlagerbuchsen
The European Data Protection Supervisor (@EDPS@social.network.europa.eu) Wojciech Wiewiórowski (@EDPS_supervisor) right now giving a brief input on “Fediverse for Public Administration. Why we try and why we fail”.
Responding to a (too) short definition of the Fediverse as an antidote to big-tech social media platforms, he stated:
“I have nothing against big. I have nothing against American. I have nothing against platform. I have something against dependent.”
A recording of the talk will be published on his office's PeerTube instance (@edps@tube.network.europa.eu / @edps_tv).
#FnF23 #FreedomNotFear #keynote #fediverse #publicAdministration
#PublicAdministration #fediverse #keynote #freedomnotfear #fnf23
#FreedomNotFear 2023 has started! Currently the European Data Protection Supervisor @EDPS_supervisor @EDPS is speaking to kickstart a conversation about the #Fediverse.
#fnf23 #fediverse #freedomnotfear
Doors are open for Freedom not Fear! Please walk through either of these door well before 7 pm if you don't want to miss the start of #FnF23 and the keynote speech by @EDPS_supervisor Wojciech Wiewiórowski!
Turn to the right, and you will stand in front of the registration table where you will receive a name badge. Please grab and wear a “photos allowed” pin if you don't mind being photographed.
#FnF23 starts off tonight with a hot issue: European Data Protection Supervisor (@EDPS_supervisor) Wojciech Wiewiórowski will give a brief input on
:win3_computer: “Fediverse for Public Administration. Why we try and why we fail” followed by a fishbowl discussion.
:thinking_rotate: 19h at Mundo Madou (Avenue des Arts 7-8, 1210 Brussels).
#freedomnotfear #adminFediverse #publicAdministration #eu #edps #dataprotection #privacy #officialFediverse #Wiewiórowski #keynote #brussels #bruxelles #verwaltungsit #verwaltungsfedi #adminMastodon
#adminmastodon #verwaltungsfedi #verwaltungsit #bruxelles #brussels #keynote #wiewiorowski #officialfediverse #privacy #dataprotection #edps #eu #PublicAdministration #adminfediverse #freedomnotfear #fnf23
Auf dem Weg nach Brüssel zu #FreedomNotFear, dem europäischen Barcamp für Digitalrechte. Ein Schwerpunkt wird für mich auf der Koordination weiterer Aktionen gegen die #Chatkontrolle liegen, wozu ich bei #FnF23 auch mit anderen aus dem #StopScanningMe-Bündnis einen Workshop abhalte. #ChatkontrolleStoppen!
Denn jetzt im September wird es ernst, wie @andre_meister für @netzpolitik_feed berichtet:
#ChatkontrolleStoppen #StopScanningMe #fnf23 #Chatkontrolle #freedomnotfear
Did you miss the chance to register for Freedom not Fear 2023? Lucky for you, there are four spots newly available. If you are interested: react now, read the participant information https://freedomnotfear.org/2023/fnf23-participant-information and contact us ASAP.
#FreedomNotFear #fnf23
If you had the chance to meet your whistleblower - what would you ask her?
#fnf #freedomnotfear #freedomnotfear23
Join #FreedomNotFear conference in Brussels and discover how to defend your #PrivacyRights!
📣 Registration extended until July 17
➡️ https://freedomnotfear.org/2023/register-for-freedom-not-fear-2023
#freedomnotfear #privacyrights
Deadline for registrations today, register now for #FreedomNotFear!
@fnf is an annual self-organised conference on privacy and digital rights. People from all across Europe meet and work towards more freedom in the digitalised world, plan actions against increasing surveillance and other attacks on civil rights. As part of the conference we are visiting the European Parliament in Brussels and talk to decision-makers on EU-level.
Join #fnf23 and fight for your digital rights!
#FnF #FreedomOfInformation #StopMassSurveillance #FreedomNotFear
Hello to All !
We happily anounce that the Wikileaks Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer will be attending FnF in early September - amongst digital rights activists, hackers and MEPs.
Dont miss to also register due to the end of this week at https://freedomnotfear.org/
#freedomnotfear #stopmasssurveillance #freedomofinformation #fnf
Wir müssen den Widerstand europaweit organisieren #FreedomNotFear #piraten #bpt231
#freedomnotfear #piraten #bpt231