6: 'Finnish Student Unions as Associations in the Context of ECHR Article 11' by Matti Muukkonen: https://doi.org/10.1080/18918131.2023.2192075
#freedomofassociation #humanrights #studentunions #universities #echr #finland
#freedomofassociation #humanrights #studentunions #universities #echr #finland
#Türkiye: authorities must protect freedoms of expression, assembly and association and cease pressure on #HumanRightsDefenders, NGOs, journalists and lawyers.
All actors should refrain from using rhetoric that undermines #humanrights and incites hatred.👇
#FreedomOfExpression #FreedomOfAssembly #freedomofassociation
#freedomofassociation #freedomofassembly #freedomofexpression #turkey #HumanRights #humanrightsdefenders #Turkiye
R to @hkdc_us: On #LabourDay in #HongKong, remember union leaders like #CarolNg #WinnieYu & #LeeCheukYan are imprisoned & @HongKongCTU & many pro-democracy unions have been forced to close. The basic #HumanRight of #FreedomOfAssociation has ceased to exist. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1653035351835910146#m
#labourday #hongkong #carolng #winnieyu #leecheukyan #humanright #freedomofassociation
A quotation from Child, Lydia Marie:
In the first place, an unjust law exists in this Commonwealth [of Massachusetts], by which marriages between persons of different color is pronounced illegal. I am perfectly aware of the gross ridicule to which I may subject myself by alluding to this particular; but I have lived too long, and observed too much, to be d…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #freedomofassociation #race
Hong Kong White Collar (Administration and Clerical) Connect Union has been deregistered by HK govt—the 15th labor union & the 85th civil society org overall closed due to state repression since start of 2021. The regime has crushed #FreedomOfAssociation https://hongkongfp.com/2023/02/17/hong-kong-govt-deregisters-pro-democracy-union-that-called-for-protest-ahead-of-security-law/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1626535671119609859#m
#Cambodia: “The Interior Ministry said it would take legal action against the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association…if it failed to submit a report on its 2022 financial activity by February. The warning came after the…union announced…a 10-day march from Phnom Penh to…[five] provinces… to raise attention to issues of injustice….” | CamboJA https://cambojanews.com/interior-ministry-promises-legal-action-for-teachers-union-if-they-submit-financial-reports-late/ #FreedomOfAssembly #FreedomOfAssociation
#cambodia #freedomofassembly #freedomofassociation
R to @hkdc_us: There are a few independent civil society orgs that persist but most that do face harassment & persecution, & none operate as freely or fully as before 2020. #FreedomOfAssociation in HK has been gutted. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hkdc_us/status/1608798102907138050#m
The thing is, the "Respect for Marriage Act" is an inherently optimistic piece of legislation. It ratifies our best impulses, that we can find someone to love who loves us in return. Like most legislation (and marriages), it's not perfect but then, neither are we.
But we are aspirational and our legislators and our laws should be as well. The right for adults to marry as we wish should be universal and fundamental.
#freedomofassociation #constitutionalrights #love
@coe Committee of Ministers invite Chair to send a letter to #Greece urging authorities to adopt swiftly measures allowing the full and effective execution of the #ECHR judgments cc #freedomofassociation https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectID=0900001680a9377e
#greece #echr #freedomofassociation
RT @EUraTol@twitter.com
We worked hard to get #Korea to ratify @ilo@twitter.com Conventions 87 & 98 on #FreedomOfAssociation and #CollectiveBargaining under their @Trade_EU@twitter.com FTA commitments. @euinkorea@twitter.com should warn ROK against backsliding. https://twitter.com/wolsanlim/status/1597446079636992001
#korea #freedomofassociation #collectivebargaining
Mission to #Greece focuses on #prisons conditions and #freedomofassociation https://www.coe.int/en/web/execution/-/mission-to-greece-focuses-on-prison-conditions-and-freedom-of-association
#greece #prisons #freedomofassociation
Shop at small businesses.
Work at small businesses.
Invest in small businesses.
#freedomofassociation #medicalchoice #sayNOtocoercion #walkaway #smallbusiness #peacefulnoncompliance
🚨 ✨ 🚨 ✨ 🚨
We must do what we can to maintain and grow voluntary economic interactions and opportunities.
We must cultivate a "social fork" where we can prosper without coercion.
#freedomofassociation #medicalchoice #sayNOtocoercion #smallbusiness #peacefulnoncompliance
#China: Release Jailed #LabourRights Activists Exercising Rights to #FreedomOfAssociation
#china #labourrights #freedomofassociation #labourstart #hkctu #workersrights #globalisationmonitor #solidarity