@uninventive this is a template I will try and use from #FreedomOfMind #StevenHassan
#deconstruction #music #freedomofmind #staycurious #woke
You've been chained & broken & burned
& those beautiful old people, those wise old souls
Have been ground down for far too long
By that spineless man, that greedy man, that heartless man
Deceiving man, that government hand taking blood & land
Taking blood & land & still they can
But your dreaming & your warrior spirit lives on & it is so, so, so strong
#deconstruction #music #freedomofmind #staycurious #woke
#freedomofmind #woke #deconstruction #CultSurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
Don't tell me that I won't, I can
Don't tell me that I'm not, I am
Don't tell me that my master plan
Ain't coming through, yeah
Don't tell me that I won't, I will
Don't tell me how to think, I feel
Don't tell me 'cause I know what's real
What I can do
Something that you don't see every day
A little girl who found her way
Through a world that's designed to break
All of your dreams, hey
#freedomofmind #woke #deconstruction #cultsurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
Graduation Day is finally here! May 5th, 2023! It felt so far away when it began in August 2020 🤯. Looks like we made it! 🎓🥳✨ Not going to lie, it's been the longest three years 😄 and oh so memorable!! My incredible cohort and I worked towards this goal through a pandemic, with change, loss, obstacles and the uphill climb of a 3 Year program. 1/
#ClassOf2023 #MSW #SocialWork #TherapistsConnect #Gradschool #Momademia #KeepDreaming #FreedomOfMind
#classof2023 #MsW #SocialWork #TherapistsConnect #gradschool #Momademia #keepdreaming #freedomofmind
A Blogpost About DeSantis:
#freedomofspeech #freedomofmind #freedomofthepress
So I decided to watch Fahrenheit 451 on HBO, which can be hard when you’ve seen the SNL State Farm parody. #lol
Anyway, I also bought the book for my library, and this review is interesting: https://goodbooksforcatholickids.com/2022/04/29/review-of-fahrenheit-451/
#LetUSread 📚 #FreedomOfMind 🕊️
#lol #letusread #freedomofmind
"Love never holds people back from growing. It doesn’t diminish, and it doesn’t contaminate. If someone loves you, it feels like love. It feels supportive and nurturing and life-giving. If it doesn’t do this, it’s not love. It’s self-serving crap designed to keep you tethered and bound to someone else’s idea of how you should be."
#growth #autonomy #freedomofmind #staycurious #love #healthyrelationships
#growth #autonomy #freedomofmind #StayCurious #love #healthyrelationships
“It’s really free will that’s at stake right now.” M. Hamilton #truth #freedom #freedomofmind 🕊️
#truth #freedom #freedomofmind
“It’s really free will that’s at stake right now.” M. Hamilton #truth #freedom #freedomofmind 🕊️
#truth #freedom #freedomofmind
Ask them about the sex abuse of children and domestic violence against women in their churches, tho…
#StopAbuse 🕊️ #FreedomOfMind 🇺🇸#LetUSread 📚
#stopabuse #freedomofmind #letusread
Alright time to pick up the pace but I'll drop this last warm-up tune before I zone out to the trance setting 🎵
#music #selflove #freedomofmind #recoveryfromreligion
Free Me
Joss Stone
#music #selflove #freedomofmind #recoveryfromreligion
#mswintern #therapistsconnect #therapistintern #feelgood #music #therapy #freedomofmind #socialwork
Body of Work
The Mynabirds
#mswintern #TherapistsConnect #therapistintern #feelgood #music #therapy #freedomofmind #SocialWork
I heard that ABC aired a segment last night that I was interviewed for (BBC), so I tracked the original one down and thought folks might like to see it. #FreedomofMind https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p0c37r7p/the-psychological-tricks-that-make-cults-so-dangerous