68 people have safely disembarked in #Trapani following spending 3 nights onboard Lousie Michel as we navigated bad weather in the central Mediterranean Sea. No one should be forced to sail into a storm in unseaworthy boats to seek safety. We wish them all the best in the future as we stand in solidarity with them, calling for the EU to make safe and legal passage for all.
#trapani #freedomofmovement #safepassage #borderskill
Due to worsening weather in the central Mediterranean, the Louise Michel had to seek shelter close to Lampedusa over the night. Our crew and guests are under way again now to finish their journey towards the assigned port of Trapani, where they will arrive tomorrow morning.
#LouiseMichel #SeaRescue #Europe #EU #Italy #NoBorders #FreedomOfMovement #HumanRightsForAll
#louisemichel #searescue #europe #eu #italy #noborders #freedomofmovement #HumanRightsForAll
The crew of the MV Louise Michel just embarked 24 people, including one child from a wooden boat in distress.
After handing out water and blankets, the team takes care of the most urgent needs of our guests on board.
Freedom of Movement is Everybodies right!
#freedomofmovement #humanrightsforall #sar #mediterranean #leavenoonetodie
#freedomofmovement #HumanRightsForAll #sar #mediterranean #LeaveNoOneToDie
Louise Michel has returned to sea and is operational in the search and rescue area again. Everyone has the right to safety and at no point should this involve anyone being forced to risk their lives. We will continue to stand in solidarity with people on the move until safe and legal passage is given to all.
#LeaveNoOneToDie #freedomofmovement #safepassage
[Outside Views] clarifies the passport requirements for British children travelling to the EU and how families can be caught out by incorrect guidance from the HM Passport Office
#Brexit #travel #EU #passports #HMPO #FreedomOfMovement
#brexit #travel #eu #passports #hmpo #freedomofmovement
Forty-one migrants die in shipwreck off Italy
Forty-one migrants died in a shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa, survivors tell local media.
#migrants #fortresseurope #fascism #neoliberalism #humanrights #freedomofmovement #control #death
#migrants #fortresseurope #fascism #neoliberalism #humanrights #freedomofmovement #control #death
This is what a country that gets its information about what the #EU does, what its role in our #European lives is and what #freedomofmovement really means from Boris Johnson's Torygraph columns, TVP, Berlusconi's rags or Axel #Springer 's Politico Europe (#EuroBILD) looks like:
#EU #Brexit #eupol #eupolitics
“I voted for Brexit because I thought it was actually going to make it easier for me to buy a home and live in the Med"
#eu #european #freedomofmovement #springer #eurobild #Brexit #eupol #eupolitics
"On Sunday, June 16, 1854, two young Black New Yorkers named Elizabeth Jennings and Sarah Adams attempted to board one of the Third Avenue Railroad Company cars to head to church. Upon noticing their race, the conductor instructed both women to get off the car and wait for a second car for African Americans that was still a few blocks away. The women refused …”
#Desegregation #NineteenthCentury #Resistance #ElizabethJennings #FreedomOfMovement
#freedomofmovement #elizabethjennings #resistance #nineteenthcentury #desegregation
Latest additions to the UK shortage occupation list are:
-Bricklayers and masons
-Roofers, roof tilers and slaters
-Carpenters and joiners
Because the UK Gov realised that freedom of movement from eastern Europe was actually beneficial if you want to get buildings built
#brexit #ukpolitics #freedomofmovement #eu
Die Lage von #refugee's in #FestungEuropa ist nicht nur an den (Außen- und Binnen-) #Grenzen katastrophal:
Die rassistische Politik der Gewalt gegen #Geflüchtete passiert auch hier, in #NRW:
Das seit Jahren übliche #Kirchenasyl wurde von der Stadt #Viersen unangekündigt angegriffen und zwei Kurd*innen für ihre #Dublin-Abschiebung nach Polen aus der Kirche gezwungen und in den Abschiebeknast gesperrt:
"Das ist sehr ungewöhnlich und selbst für deutsche Ausländerbehörden eine sehr drastische Maßnahme, die aber wohl leider auch zu den aktuellen größeren politischen Entwicklungen passt..."
Zitat aus telegram-kanal:
#nachrichten #news #freedomofmovement #Solidarität #deutschland #asyl #asylum #menschenrechte
#rassismus #gewalt #refugee #festungeuropa #grenzen #gefluchtete #nrw #Kirchenasyl #viersen #dublin #nachrichten #news #freedomofmovement #solidaritat #Deutschland #asyl #asylum #menschenrechte
Nazis jagen - Abschiebebehörden stressen #Wien
"Gegen die "Identitären" und ihre Propaganda
Für #FreedomofMovement und sichere Fluchtrouten!
Nazis morden, der Staat schiebt ab. Es ist die gleiche menschenverachtende Ideologie, es ist das gleiche Rassistenpack, das wir bekämpfen müssen. Rassismus tötet.
Daher braucht es uns, die wir geschlossen gegen Grenzen und für Freedom of Movement, sichere Fluchtrouten und Inklusion auftreten. Das gute Leben steht uns allen zu - gleich wo wir geboren sind!"
Mehr Infos findet ihr hier: https://linktr.ee/sommer_sonne_antifa
❓ei Fragen: sommer_sonne_antifa@riseup.net
Brick by brick, wall by wall - make the fortress europe fall!"
#Wien #freedomofmovement #fcknzs #antifa #Antifaschismus #demo
Re Stiamo marciando attraverso la città dove hanno sede le principali istituzioni dell'#UE per denunciare le morti e le violenze ai confini interni ed esterni dell'#Europa. #FreedomOfMovement#CorridoiUmanitari#SolidarityIsNotACrime https://t.co/GSZqvJ2rnG
#ue #europa #freedomofmovement
Call for Captain
The rescue ship Louise Michel is urgently looking for a Captain for the rescue rotations from July on, permanent or temporary.
If you are a certified Captain or know someone with this licence (unlimited: 500+ GT, STCW A-II/2) please contact the crewing team.
#LouiseMichel #Rescue #FreedomOfMovement #SafePassage #MigrationIsNotACrime #NoBorders #FortressEurope
seebrueckeffm@venera.social - ♲ @MVLouiseMichel@twitter.com:
#louisemichel #rescue #freedomofmovement #safepassage #Migrationisnotacrime #noborders #fortresseurope
Re 4/4 Freedom of movement and safe migration routes are the only solution. #FreedomOfMovement #SafePassage #MigrationIsNotACrime #NoBorders #FortressEurope
#freedomofmovement #safepassage #Migrationisnotacrime #noborders #fortresseurope
Re 3/3 To all #EU states:Stop KillingOur thoughts are with all the survivors and loved ones of the deceased. Our anger and rage is against this bloody #FortressEurope!We need safe migration routes now.#StopKilling #Pylos #Greece #FreedomOfMovement #HumanRightsForAll #NoBorders
#eu #fortresseurope #stopkilling #pylos #greece #freedomofmovement #humanrightsforall #noborders
It is unacceptable to let this shit repeat itself on high scale. #FreedomOfMovement for all needs to be a basic #humanright.
Let's fight #CEAS and the fortification of #Europe! #Solidarity against #borders!
#borders #solidarity #europe #ceas #humanright #freedomofmovement
Tune into our livestream with Claire McNally who left Glasgow after school and now works as an EU official in the European Parliament in Brussels
Hear how #freedomofmovement changed her life!
Our livestream will be on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube at 730 pm
How you can join us
📣 Partecipa alla manifestazione"Da #Tripoli a #Bruxelles: Amplifichiamo le voci dellǝ rifugiatǝ in #Libia"📅 1 luglio 2023📍#Bruxelles#UNFAIRagency #NoJusticeNoPeace #FortressEurope #FreedomOfMovement https://t.co/09aF2kTGX1
#tripoli #bruxelles #libia #nojusticenopeace #fortresseurope #freedomofmovement
Excellent podcast series and this one is especially interesting to me as losing EU Freedom of Movement has had a negative effect on my life and that of my family. Please take time to have a listen. Thanks everyone. #FreedomofMovement #AbtCitizenship @michaelacbenson @InLimboProject @BremainInSpain https://sites.libsyn.com/365921/s3-e2-free-movement-limited-0
#abtcitizenship #freedomofmovement
Re 2/2 No one should be forced to seek safety by risking their lives in unseaworthy boats. We need safe migration routes and the freedom of movement for Everyone. For the right to move and the right to stay!#SafePassage #FreedomOfMovement #NoBorders
#safepassage #freedomofmovement #noborders