The media and the narrative of society tells us about people who hear voices in their head, and do crazy terrible things, and we are lead to believe that people who hear voices are crazy.
There's much more going on in these situations.
It takes the presence of being grounded within your body while having your energies balanced and aligned to "Make Sense" of the world, ones placement within it, and one's senses.
The domesticated entrainment of normalcy breeds more insanity in its attempts at marketing, managing, harvesting, and consuming the masses.
The narrative of society, the discourse of society, must be looked at and freed from being a tool of subjugation by those who wield it.
#Media #Senses #Voices #SensoryAwareness #SensoryPerception #Domestication #DomesticatedEntrainment #Normalcy #NarrativeOfSociety #NarrativeOfDiscourse #Subjugation #Freedom #FreedomOfVoice
#media #senses #voices #sensoryawareness #sensoryperception #domestication #domesticatedentrainment #normalcy #narrativeofsociety #narrativeofdiscourse #subjugation #freedom #freedomofvoice