An anonymous continuation of a prior Freedom Planet hypnosis piece! Serpentine's army grows via multiversal shenanigans, as he's acquired the twin villagers from Sonic Boom and put them under his sexual control. I wonder who may be next?
Probably more cute girls, if I had to wager a guess.
#freedomplanet #serpentine #lilac #sonicboom #perci #staci #bandicoot #dragon #snake #hypnosis #mindcontrol #incest #sisters #siblings #crossover #nsfw #female #boobs #scissoring #naked #sex #straight
#freedomplanet #serpentine #lilac #sonicboom #perci #staci #bandicoot #dragon #snake #hypnosis #mindcontrol #incest #sisters #siblings #crossover #nsfw #female #boobs #scissoring #naked #sex #straight
An anonymously commissioned follow-up to my Carol hypnosis piece! The great General Serpentine has no limit to sexy girls he can enlist as his new, obediently naked slaves.
All hail General Serpentine!
#freedomplanet #lilac #carol #corazon #milla #serpentine #hypnosis #mindcontrol #incest #female #male #naked #boobs #scissoring #drool #sex #straight #maledom #sisters #lesbian #sashlilac #caroltea #corazontea #generalserpentine #millabasset #flatchested #snake #dragon #cat #wildcat #dog #2023
#freedomplanet #lilac #carol #corazon #milla #serpentine #hypnosis #mindcontrol #incest #female #male #naked #boobs #scissoring #drool #sex #straight #maledom #sisters #lesbian #SashLilac #caroltea #corazontea #generalserpentine #millabasset #flatchested #snake #dragon #cat #wildcat #dog
Carol didn't know about Serpentine's latest villainous trick: hypnotizing girls into his obedient slutty servants, as all good heroic girls ought to be turned into.
#carol #serpentine #freedomplanet #hypnosis #mindcontrol #brainwashing #female #male #stripping #boobs #naked #maledom #malefemale #instantloss #dick #snake #cat #generalserpentine #caroltea #nsfw #2022
#carol #serpentine #freedomplanet #hypnosis #mindcontrol #brainwashing #female #male #stripping #boobs #naked #maledom #malefemale #instantloss #dick #snake #cat #generalserpentine #caroltea #nsfw
This is the alternative ending to Freedom Planet 2 where Lilac loses to Merga and the two water dragons live happily ever after as one serves the other obediently.
#lilac #merga #freedomplanet #sashlilac #freedomplanet2 #dragon #waterdragon #sizedifference #female #lesbian #badending #dubcon #dubiousconsent #femalefemale #boobs #naked #ass #nsfw #2022
#lilac #merga #freedomplanet #SashLilac #freedomplanet2 #dragon #waterdragon #sizedifference #female #lesbian #Badending #dubcon #dubiousconsent #femalefemale #boobs #naked #ass #nsfw
Musique d'introduction d'un jeu que j'affectionne beaucoup et qui est ma sonnerie de téléphone 🎵
Alright, finished the story mode of #FreedomPlanet.
I highly appreciate the existence of Easy Modes in Platformers, because I don't think I could finish such games otherwise. 😅
Anyway! The game is fine, the characters are lovely, when the three girls had their TV evening I hoped to see more character interaction and non-"world-saving"-story, that's why I prefer RPGs. 😁
But still, lovely chars!
Part 2 when I have money again, and I still need to finish "Kaze" at some point.
Giving "Freedom Planet" another try.
I really suck at platformers, which was always a pity, because I love, for example, the Sonic-style, but I'm just bad at the kind of games they release. 😅
But well, Freedom Planet also has awesome character designs, so, I'd really love to experience stuff with these characters.
I'm currently trying it on easy mode, and it seems there's even one below that, if it's still to hard. 😅
We shall see!
No complaints about the gameplay so far, though the changes from the first Freedom Planet did take some getting used to. Of course, Lilac appears to be the least changed from the original (gameplay-wise) so we'll see what Carol has in store.
#FreedomPlanet #FreedomPlanet2 (can we put numerals in hashtags?) #VideoGames
#freedomplanet #freedomplanet2 #videogames
Just finished Lilac's campaign in #FreedomPlanet 2. Had a lot of fun with it.
Kind of disappointed in the villain, or rather the whole part of the story surrounding her and her motivation. Ended up being a typical "someone has a point about serious injustice but then decides to do a terrorism/genocide about it" plot, sympathetic variant. (I don't think that's a spoiler. Her motives and intentions are spelled out relatively early in the game; the big reveals are more backstory-oriented.)
Oh, come on. I can't be the only one on the fediverse posting about #FreedomPlanet.
Really excited that Freedom Planet 2 is finally out, but also, I don't want to buy a new game until I finally, after all these years, finish Sonic 2. Shouldn't be that hard now that I've used cheat codes to practice the Death Egg Robot and get it somewhat consistent. Maybe I'll get that done Saturday? And then, New Carol (and friends) Game.
#videogames #sonic #freedomplanet
Anyone on here also a fan of Freedom Planet? I adore that game so much it's unreal. I juuuust might write a crossover fimfiction sometime. Now that'll be a hoot. #freedomplanet #crossover
Muy recomendable #FreedomPlanet para los fans de lo #retro. Influenciado principalmente por #SonicTheHedgehog pero también por otros #videojuegos de la época de 16 bits como #RocketKnight. Aún así tiene personalidad propia con una estetica oriental-espacial y un bello #pixelart. Además cuenta con una potente y efectiva banda sonora que nos transporta a los años 90.
Salió en el año 2014 contando progresivamente con versiones para #PC, #WiiU, #Switch y #PS4. Su secuela se ha lanzado recientemente para #PC y para el 2023 tienen previsto versiones para el resto de sistemas.
#freedomplanet #retro #sonicthehedgehog #videojuegos #rocketknight #pixelart #pc #wiiu #switch #PS4
I booted up #FreedomPlanet for a little bit. I'm only two missions in, but that's a damn fine #VideoGame so far. I have the sequel waiting for me too.
A cool story of a superb game.
Original Upload on Twitter: Aug. 31 2022
"That was totally awesome, did you see that?"
#caroltea #carolthewildcat #freedomplanet #fanart
It's time to show love for indie games! Playing #FreedomPlanet! Going live in just a few minutes!
It's time to show love for indie games! Playing #FreedomPlanet! Going live in just a few minutes!
loli lilac but brev'd. inspiration from pedrovin.
#loli #Sash_Lilac #freedomplanet #cub #ロリ
I've been up since 2AM #loli #ロリ #Amy #jenny #sash #mlaatr #sonicthehedgehog #freedomplanet
#ロリ #amy #loli #jenny #sonicthehedgehog #freedomplanet #sash #mlaatr