> I’m curious how many people find it useful(-cut)

However you think the internet *should* be — that's how it is.

> (…) to both block virtually all the large hosts and Cloudflare(-cut)

You say "large hosts" like they are just 'large hosts', and not monopolistic, fascist entities, that suppress, repress, marginalise, and hypnotise.

> (…) and use Linux and Tor?

What is wrong with Linux and Tor? Why did you even join fedi? It sounds like is not for you.



Last updated 1 year ago

Bo Morgan · @neptune22222
104 followers · 450 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@doctormo @lightweight @webmink I use the phrases "Freedom Software" or "Free / Libre Open Source Software" or FLOSS. Also when referring to "Free / Libre Open Source Hardware" I use the term FLOSH.

#freedomsoftware #floss #flosh

Last updated 1 year ago

We should mention that 2023 marks I2P's 20th Birthday.


Privacy advocates and lovers with programming experience can help this historically significant project by grabbing a copy of the source code and contributing to its .

Together we can ensure I2P continues another 20 years.

#freedomsoftware #security #i2p20

Last updated 2 years ago

Bo Morgan · @neptune22222
107 followers · 321 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Interested in digital that respect the payers ?

We are pleased to report that apps are available on (version 5.0 of and above) and the were updated this weekend.

#payments #privacy #gnutaler #fdroid #android #apps #DigitalPayments #gnu #freedomsoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

If everyone in and was an unencumbered , wouldn't have existed beyond 2017, possibly sooner.

It's clear that exist in the space.

How can we expect blackHats to gain knowledge on whiteHats and to inhibit them? Universities? MSGitHub? ? CloudFlare'd services?

Our thinking is 'all of the above', but the most effective tools hide in plain sight — and .

Use them at your eventual peril.

#gnulinux #foss #whitehat #microsoft #blackHats #freedomsoftware #linkedin #mslinkedin #MSGithub #deanonymisation

Last updated 2 years ago

Feral Thoughts · @feralthoughts
9 followers · 181 posts · Server union.place

We should make "freedom software" the standard term, so that one doesn't have to constantly specify that the "free" in "free software" stands for "freedom" and does not necessarily imply absence of monetary charge.

Or maybe standardize "libre software"?

Agree that we should decouple "freedom software" from the depoliticizing term "open software", maybe we should ditch the term "FOSS" that deliberately obfuscates their fundamental differences.

#freedomsoftware #libresoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

She may look like the of the , but Ex-defense Secretary seems to have the hallmarks of a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'.

We might take her so-called green agenda more seriously if she mandated that the EU representatives cannot not use airTravel in any part of their duties.

Such a move would also favour the movement in ways that might not seem immediately obvious.

@fsfe@mastodon.social @fsfe@media.fsfe.org

#julieandrews #eu #UrsulavonderLeyen #grassroots #freedomsoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

If only the defenders could do to CAGEFAM and other , what Russia is doing to .

Maybe we would be able to push the tidal wave of turd back a tonne.

#freedomsoftware #technoFascists #nato

Last updated 3 years ago

We are happy to learn that TruthSocial will be respecting and will be freeLicense and openSource.

We might cry.

This is a huge leap forward for what it means to use a computer and a network.

Despite past concerns and or misunderstandings (and probably future ones) we would like to thank and @Gargron for all the work they've done to date, and all generally.

This is one small step for — but one giant leap for .

#agplv3 #MastodonDevs #fedizens #trump #freedomsoftware

Last updated 3 years ago

Please remember that when Trump was caught stealing software, the said he was attacked by hackers.

They made the f&cking victim!

Please keep this at the forefront of your mind. A sign on the fridge to remind you how great our plight is.

Draw signs with permanent marker on corflute to advertise , , and other you love. Attach them to your vehicle whereever you park it.

Time to rise.

#fediverse #legacymedia #trump #gnulinux #freedomsoftware #softwareTheft #copyleft #timeToRise

Last updated 3 years ago

At the back of our minds please remember that when was caught stealing software, the media said he was attacked by hackers and brought down.

Please, please f&cking remember this.

Put a sign on your fridge to remind you of how scared they are of us.

Draw signs with permanent marker on corflute that advertise , , and other you love, and attach them to your vehicle whereever you park it.

Time to rise.

#trump #fediverse #gnulinux #freedomsoftware #softwareTheft #copyleft #timeToRise

Last updated 3 years ago


…use permanent marker to suggest (, fediverse). You can wear them when out in public or adorn your vehicle in them (hint: get used to visiting different places) (see # reclaimTheOpenWeb)

c) offer people (things you'd place on ) by accessing your website,

d) talk about with people who have a head on their shoulders.

Do you have another protest method?

#freedomsoftware #searx #freestuff #gumtree #i2p #bitcoin #whyBitcoinCore #newInternet #deletecloudflare #cageFam

Last updated 3 years ago

. . . . Diversify . )
Privacy boost . > . your
. . . . .Broaden . )

. . . . . searX [in massive letters, centered, green magnifying glass in the 'X']

see searx.space [inside a green 'nintendo'-style outline]

[the top, curly brace is green with a black shadow]

#searx #advocacy #freedomsoftware

Last updated 3 years ago

So you are a developer of

Is your current codebase available as a over ? If not, what are you waiting for?

#freedomsoftware #torrent #i2p #redundancy #collateralfreedom #i2pSnark

Last updated 3 years ago

So Cloudflare (via ) are coming after us now.

The war on and started years ago but they now have amassed enough data to open hunting season.

It seems our efforts are undermining their plan to hunt the .

We need our artists.

If your goes through Cf, switch. If your local council website does, drop an anonymous message that you will spread flyers outing Cf, framing council as an accomplice.



#4chan #freedomsoftware #bitcoin #audacityFork #artists #bank

Last updated 3 years ago