Y'all ev'r experienced that soul-satisfyin’ feeling when you catch a mighty fish with your bare hands? That's freedom right thar! Now picture ridin' in your jacked-up truck, jammin' to a country tune, huntin' down bucks before the sun sets. 'Merica, y'all! Two southern passions that'll have y'all grinnin' wider than a possum eatin’ sweet taters! 🐟🚛🎣 #SouthernLiving #FreedomTrail
#AmericansOfConscienceChecklist "Good News" for Feb 17, 2023
Other States Good News 2
#Mississippi humanities and tourism groups waive the $10,000 installation fee for #FreedomTrail markers in an effort to double the number of #CivilRights #history markers across the state.
#Oklahoma: Court rules that poultry companies must work with the state to clean a #watershed polluted by chicken litter.
#americansofconsciencechecklist #mississippi #freedomtrail #civilrights #history #oklahoma #watershed #goodnews
Toured part of the Freedom Trail in Boston this afternoon! The Old State House, Site of the Boston Massacre, Faneuil Hall, the New England Holocaust Memorial, Paul Revere's house, the Old North Church, and Copp's Hill Burying Ground. #freedomtrail #boston https://instagr.am/p/Cl2d5zIOLqA/