@micropainter With the majority of Canada's provincial/territorial leaders coming from the libertarian-conservative school of thought and heavily influenced by the corporate goals of the #GOP south of the 49th, it is no surprise that the federation is not functioning. But the federal govt shares a huge responsibility for the weakening too. Prov/terr govts have not been held to account for financial transfers. The #FreedumConvoy is not the only failure of federalism. #cdnpoli
A 'failure in federalism’ is the perfect phrase @pressprogress to describe the grift, greed, selfishness, and incompetence of political leadership in #Canada, especially at the provincial and municipal levels in Conservative run governments. https://pressprogress.ca/emergencies-act-inquiry-points-blame-at-doug-fords-absence-during-ottawa-convoy-occupation/
#canada #freedumconvoy #EmergenciesAct #cdnpoli #canpoli
#Saskatchewan long-time home of #whiteNationalism. https://pressprogress.ca/joseph-bourgault-scott-moe-saskatchewan-united-party/
#saskatchewan #whitenationalism #skpoli #freedumconvoy
@rvawonk Good to see your research in the media. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/02/10/analysis/russian-propaganda-freedom-convoy-disinformation
#FreedumConvoy #Facism #authoritarianism #socialmedia #disinformation
#ThreatsToDemocracy #Democracy #Canada #cdnpoli #canpoli
#freedumconvoy #facism #authoritarianism #socialmedia #disinformation #threatstodemocracy #democracy #canada #cdnpoli #canpoli
@torontostar How could this article not reference her support for the #FreedumConvoy and her willingness to overturn a democratically elected govt? #cdnpoli #canpoli #mediaBias #journalism #epicFail
#freedumconvoy #cdnpoli #canpoli #mediabias #journalism #epicfail
#ElectoralReform is one way to respond to alienation and anger that contributed to the #FreedumConvoy and its predecessor the yellow vest gang. https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/theres-still-time-for-singh-and-trudeau-to-reform-the-electoral-system/
#MakeEveryVoteCount #canpol #cdnpoli #Canada #democracy #proportionalRepresentation
#electoralreform #freedumconvoy #makeeveryvotecount #canpol #cdnpoli #canada #democracy #proportionalrepresentation
Good news to begin 2023. https://pressprogress.ca/2023-freedom-convoy-reunion-is-officially-cancelled-convoy-organizer-says/
#freedumconvoy #altright #ideology #cdnpoli #canpoli
@RollingStone QAnon and their ilk are everywhere - #FreedumConvoy #Canada, #Jan6 in the #US......#political #Ideology
#freedumconvoy #canada #Jan6 #us #political #ideology