Imagine #FreeEducation you WALK to, because there was money to build schools everywhere, and the same for HEALTH (incl medical) care?
Easy! Just cut #FossilFuel corporations off from the #CorporateWelfare tit.
"Global subsidies for fossil fuels reached $7 trillion in 2022, an all-time high, according to the #IMF. An analysis of policies in 170 countries found that explicit subsidies, such as price caps on fuel, accounted for 18 percent of this total." #FossilFuels
#freeeducation #fossilfuel #corporatewelfare #imf #fossilfuels
200 Online Certificate & Microcredential Programs from Leading Universities & Companies | Open Culture #OER #FreeEducation
Australian #universities report finds quality of #education eroded by ‘long-term underfunding’
New report reveals 83% of respondents are concerned universities’ focus on profit is undermining education standards
#universities #education #freeeducation
Education is a fundamental right, not a privilege. That is why it should be free and available at community colleges and public state universities.
#usa #us #freeEducation #students #studentloans #Education #freecollege #middleclass #loanforgiveness #equality #equalrights #freedom #diversity #socialjustice #justice #opportunity #growth #development #rights #Public
#public #rights #Development #growth #opportunity #Justice #socialjustice #diversity #Freedom #equalrights #equality #loanforgiveness #middleclass #freecollege #Education #studentloans #students #freeeducation #US #USA
Ghost colleges opening “shopfronts” and offering cheap business and IT courses that provide the minimum requirements for a skilled visa application, aimed primarily at students from South Asia and effectively selling access to jobs and permanent residence… #strayia #auspol #freeeducation #BetterNotBigger #BigAustralia
#strayia #auspol #freeeducation #BetterNotBigger #bigaustralia
Japanese Children Want Child Policies to Focus on Free Education |
>A survey of children in Japan aged from 10 to 18 found that the issue they would most like the government and society to prioritize is making education free.
#Japan #JapaneseNews #JapaneseCulture #Children #Education #FreeEducation
#freeeducation #education #children #japaneseculture #JapaneseNews #japan
Hello there.
New to Mastodon & hoping to interact here more as I become more familiar.
I'm a fan of the earth's natural wonders and beauty, and a huge NY Mets baseball fan.
Hoping to gain followers and to follow like minded people & all those who support a better tomorrow for everyone, with policies like #UBI, #UHC, #GND #FreeEducation #EndHomelessness and #ReduceConsumption for a cleaner & greener planet, healing from the damage we humans have done to the natural world.
#ubi #uhc #gnd #freeeducation #endhomelessness #reduceconsumption #introduction
@Oozenet 'The Center for International Development contends that for countries to get richer that they need to develop more sophisticated products, but Australia has been very tardy when it comes to innovation'
It' like we are dumbening Strayia, starting with our kids ....
#auspol #boganNation #tradieNation #ausecon #freeeducationforall #freeeducation
#auspol #bogannation #tradienation #ausecon #freeeducationforall #freeeducation
I'm not sure how I'd have managed if the work that I do now wasn't available to me. It's highly skilled, detailed, focused, I'm good at it. It pays well, and means I can somewhat relax financially. It means that now, I don't have to work full time, which I can't do any more. Too burnt out, too tiret. It's pure luck that I got to have it, but it's not luck that free education was available. It was a political choice that people fought for. Until 1998 it used to be the norm in the UK, where I now live. I do have student debt, but because I went back to uni in the UK recently, and did an ma. I'll probably have that debt for the rest of my life. But as to my original degree? My small bridge loans to cover the maintenance grant gap from my initial undergrad degree was paid off within a year of graduating.
Free education has been a game changer and it should be available to everyone. With tuition fees the way they are now in the UK, I'd certainly have thought twice about going to uni if I was growing up here. I'd have been burdened with so much debt it's mind boggling. Us older ones who received so much from our states, we need to push for free education again for those coming up. #audhd #actuallyautistic #freeeducation #work
#AuDHD #actuallyautistic #freeeducation #work
If your government fully paid for your university tuition and gave you a monthly stipend for the duration of your university study and then gave you a $10000 graduation gift. Would you hate it? Specially if you see people more freer than you voting for loan forgiveness and not getting it.
Asking for a friend.
#SaudiArabia #welfare #education #FreeEducation #loan #debt #freedom #university #HigherEducation #socialism #HumanRights
#humanrights #socialism #highereducation #university #freedom #debt #loan #freeeducation #education #welfare #saudiarabia
> US senators adopt new strategy to push Saudi Arabia on human rights
#SaudiArabia has #FreeHealthcare and #FreeEducation
Maybe Saudi Arabia should push the US on #HumanRights ?
#humanrights #freeeducation #freehealthcare #saudiarabia
I just finished watching a podcast episode of Hidden Brain titled, "Who's in your inner circle". I learned there's studies that show economic connectedness is a much more powerful predictor of success in life than parental income, status, race, etc.
Basically, if people have the opportunity to be connected to others of means, that increases their chances of getting exposure to the very opportunities that can pull them out of a disadvantageous economic situation.
This got me thinking, what if the solution to rising income inequality is free post-secondary education? You would have individuals of similar economic status, barring parental wealth, connecting with each other and sharing perspectives and contacts. All while learning useful skills that translate to higher paid careers and even more opportunities.
Those who have come from a lower income bracket and have been educated are more likely to maintain connections to where they come from, thereby exposing even more lower income individuals to opportunities that they would otherwise not have.
Free post-secondary education (at least for undergrad degrees) very realistically could ease the rising wealth inequality, despite its apparent cost. It's more like an investment with great returns both at an economic and societal level. Many countries already have free post-secondary education. Why not Canada and the US?
#FreeEducation #IncomeInequality #University #PostSecondary #HiddenBrain #Podcast #Canada
#freeeducation #incomeinequality #university #postsecondary #hiddenbrain #podcast #canada
Just my personal collection of links, for anyone wishing to learn. This includes free college courses, general knowledge, and more.
#Education #FreeEducation #Learning
#education #freeeducation #learning
Holy God, where did the concept of State-funded education go? Balfour would be rolling in his grave. It's so shaming when you realise that in some of the Nordic countries, for instance university education is free
#FreeEducation #PoorOldUK
Same for me and in my experience and technically speaking EU is a regime.
About this:
And I agree with the EU as a concept, an ideal.
The EU is not an ideal though, the ideal is cooperation between European countries, I guess.
You have rightly criticized capitalism. But if you are really interested in changing things, you realize that to implement welfare state policies you need to change the monetary policy of the ECB.
This is not technically possible with the European elections. It must be done with national governments and they must all agree. Countries like Germany that profit from the current situation at the expense of other countries must also agree.
What I’m telling you is that the EU is technically defending capitalism. And the situation can be unblocked only in two ways: with the unanimity of the nations or by remaking the EU from scratch.
The question I am asking you is not ideological, it is technical. My point is that the EU is fostering competition between nations, allowing the stronger to exploit the weaker and preventing nations from pursuing the welfare state with policies such as #JobGuarantee, #FreeHealthcare and #FreeEducation. The EU is exactly the opposite of the ideal of cooperation between nations that you profess.
Please don’t respond with inconsistent rhetoric. Read about what I have mentioned and think about it.
#jobguarantee #freehealthcare #freeeducation
#Africa #Ghana #kenya #Malawi #Nigeria #Cameroon #Africans #Education #educationsystem #educationsystem #educationreform #Gratitude #Insulting #Americans #Immigrants #Immigration
#SocialMediaInfluencer #FreeEducation #FreeLunch #SchoolBus #Transportation
#Africa #Ghana #Kenya #malawi #Nigeria #cameroon #africans #Education #educationsystem #educationreform #gratitude #insulting #americans #immigrants #immigration #socialmediainfluencer #freeeducation #freelunch #schoolbus #transportation
Just make people aware of #ModernMonetaryTheory and use that for #JobGuarantee , #FreeHealthcare , #FreeEducation and #FreeSoftware for almost everything.
After record deficits during Covid19, it is clear that #MMT is correct and it is an opportunity to abandon macroeconomic dogmas once and for all.
#freesoftware #jobguarantee #freehealthcare #modernmonetarytheory #freeeducation #mmt
A scathing review of #Australia's #education system, critical of so-called 'reforms'.The report found the strategy adopted in 2018 has done very little to improve student outcomes. #Education4All #freeeducation #dumbingdown
#australia #education #education4all #freeeducation #dumbingdown