The espionage charges against #EvanGershkovich are a sham and he should be released immediately.
#FreeEvan, NOW!
It’s been 100 days since our colleague and friend Evan Gershkovich was wrongfully arrested in Russia simply for doing his job.
All Evan wanted was to inform people about what was happening in the world around them. He saw reporting as such a privilege. Bring him home. #FreeEvan #press
#evangershkovich #istandwithevan #freeevan #Journalism #WSJ #wallstreetjournal #russia
Sehr bedrückende Stimmung beim ersten Panel von #nr23. Es geht um journalistische Arbeit aus und über Russland. Christina Hebel berichtet vom speziellen Druck ihres russischen Reporterinnen-Alltags. Anton Troianovski bittet, seinen Freund Evan nicht zu vergessen, der bald 100 Tage in Haft ist. #FreeEvan
It has now been 11 weeks since my friend and colleague Evan Gershkovich was wrongfully arrested in Russia for doing his job as journalist. It's time for him to come home. #FreeEvan #IStandwithEvan #press
#freeevan #istandwithevan #press
It has been 10 weeks since Evan’s arrest in Russia. It's time to bring him home. #FreeEvan #IStandwithEvan #press
#freeevan #istandwithevan #press
New: Russian Alexander Vinnik, the cofounder of BTC-e arrested on charges of money laundering, is lobbying to get himself in contention for a potential prisoner swap with Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gerskovich.
Today marks Day 50 of my friend and colleague Evan Gershkovich's unjust detention in a Russian prison. Every day is a day too many. All of us at The Wall Street Journal call for his immediate release. #IStandWithEvan #FreeEvan #journalismisnotacrime #freepress #press
#istandwithevan #freeevan #journalismisnotacrime #freepress #press
I stand with my former colleagues at The Wall Street Journal calling on the release of Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained by Russia for five weeks.
Learn more what you can do to support Evan here: #FreeEvan
On World Press Freedom Day, I stand with my colleague and friend Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained by Russia for five weeks. All of us at The Wall Street Journal call for Evan's release and all the other reporters detained for simply doing their job.
#istandwithevan #journalismisnotacrime #freeevan
Letters to #EvanGershkovich, my friend in a #Moscow jail | #FinancialTimes
We chronicled #Russia together, hopeful about its future. Now the Wall Street Journal reporter has been in #prison for a month
#Russia #Putin #Ukraine️ #FreeEvan #IStandWithEvan
#evangershkovich #moscow #financialtimes #russia #prison #putin #ukraine #freeevan #istandwithevan
Editors from the WSJ are doing a Reddit about #freeEvan --
The NY Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal all run full page ads today demanding that the Kremlin #FreeEvan —
RT @juli_anh
"Seeking out information, even if it means upsetting political interests, does not make Evan a criminal or a spy, it makes him a journalist."
> 300 former correspondents from > 20 countries call an Russia to @FreeGershkovich 👇
Wonderful to see: On this weekend’s @WSJ front page, @Arsenal supporters protesting the detention in Russia of our colleague @evangershkovic, himself a huge Arsenal fan.
The Independent пишет, что баннер с хэштегом #FreeEvan и надписью «Болельщики „Арсенала“ поддерживают Эвана Гершковича» появился на стадионе «Эмирейтс» в Лондоне перед матчем английской премьер-лиги между «Арсеналом» и «Саутгемптоном».
Как отмечает «Би-би-си», Эван Гершкович — болельщик «Арсенала».
RT @rogbennett
Beautiful: Evan Gershkovich, WSJ journalist imprisoned in Russia, is an ENORMOUS Arsenal fan. Today, Arsenal fans held up a banner demanding his freedom. A fanbase supporting one of their own, and reminder we should never take freedom to do simple things for granted #FreeEvan 🙌
Thanks to those who organized tonight's Investigative Reporters and Editors mixer here in New York City and to those who brought these buttons. Important to remember that while journalists and others had the chance to meet in-person this evening, there's at least one reporter who should have had the same opportunity. Russia needs to free Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal immediately. #FreeEvan #IStandWithEvan #IRE #journalism
#freeevan #istandwithevan #ire #journalism