Stefano Marinelli · @stefano
819 followers · 1887 posts · Server

Last Thursday, unexpectedly, we attended a concert by the Nomadi, an iconic Italian music band active for over 60 years. Their songs often resonate deeply, carrying profound and sometimes social messages.

One song, "Il fiore nero," struck a chord with me. Though I was familiar with it, I hadn't truly listened to its depths before. Essentially, it critiques those who judge and label, deciding that "the flower is black" merely because, in the absence of sunlight, its true color can't be seen. The song touches on how morality, religion, or societal norms can overshadow an individual's "sun" and prevent us from seeing their light.

Even if a flower loses its color, who determines it turns "black"? Narratives, biases, or distorted perceptions can shape our understanding of reality.

It reminded me of many individuals in the , shining in their uniqueness and freely expressing their personalities. Just like the various software on the Fediverse, distinct yet harmoniously interoperable.

#fediverse #mastodon #society #diversity #weareallbeautiful #nomadi #music #italianmusic #societalnorms #freeexpression

Last updated 1 year ago

šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3691 followers · 5068 posts · Server

ISP's Should Not Police Online Speech: No Matter How Awful It Is

Special interests may seek pressure to expand censorship, to protect financial / influence interests

#isp #censorship #freespeech #freeexpression #humanrights #civilliberties #rights #surveillance

Last updated 1 year ago

IFEX · @ifex
630 followers · 600 posts · Server

Check out the latest newsletter: šŸŒ

šŸ—Øļø Global Solidarity Marathon for journalists; An in-depth look at 's elections; New laws and more news:

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#ifexthisweek #belarusian #zimbabwe #cybercrime #freeexpression

Last updated 1 year ago

Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
46430 followers · 44032 posts · Server

ā€In a new report, Booklash: Literary Freedom, Online Outrage, and the Language of Harm, PEN America warns that social media blowback and societal outrage are imposing new moral litmus tests on books and authors, chilling literary expression and fueling a dangerous trend of self-censorship that is shrinking writersā€™ creative freedom and imagination.ā€

#bibliotek #libraries #goodreads #bookbans #literature #freeexpression #socmed

Last updated 1 year ago

Stefano Marinelli · @stefano
610 followers · 760 posts · Server

Good evening, friends of and the !
A user privately asked me why I increased the character limit to 5000.

In general, I believe brevity is a great skill, but reducing a text to "a few" characters can be limiting. The choice of 500 characters is purely from the Mastodon Devs, but other software in the Fediverse doesn't have this limitation. Even blogging platforms like Plume exceed this limit by far, and Mastodon easily supports much higher limits.

BSD Cafe aims to be a place of free expression, and I don't want to impose overly strict constraints.

With every Mastodon update, I'll make sure to check that the limit remains, and if necessary, I'll patch the relevant sources to maintain the current level.

#bsdcafe #fediverse #bsdcafeupdates #freeexpression #fediversecommunity #opensourcelove

Last updated 1 year ago

TITLE: Teaching on Eggshells: 75% of Students Would Report Profs for Saying Something They Find Offensiveā€”81% of Liberal vs. 53% of Conservative Studentsā€”N=2,250 Students from 131 4-Yr Schools

Thank you Dr. Pope for this summary:

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Inside Higher Education includes an article: ā€œā€˜Teaching on Eggshellsā€™: Students Report Professorsā€™ Offensive Comments
A recent survey shows about 75 percent of students would report professors for saying something they find offensive.ā€

Here are some excerpts:
Students sit in a lecture hall facing the instructor at the front of the room
Students are increasingly taking offense to comments by professors and peers.

Nearly three-quarters of all college students, regardless of their political affiliation, believe professors who make comments the students find offensive should be reported to the university, according to a new report.

A similar rate of students would also report their peers for making insulting or hurtful remarks.

The report by the Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth at North Dakota State University is based on a survey of 2,250 students from 131 public and private four-year institutions across the country and was released Wednesday.

Over all, the percentage of students who said they would report a professor was higher among self-identified liberal students (81 percent) than among self-identified conservative students (53 percent).

Sixty-six percent of liberal students and 37 percent of conservative students said they would also report peers who made offensive comments.

John Bitzan, author of the report, said the survey findings are troubling and reflect continuing challenges on college campuses to encourage students to think critically and engage in healthy debatesā€”with each other and with faculty membersā€”over issues on which they disagree.

ā€œOf any place, a university should be a place that is open to a variety of points of view, and traditionally the universities have been,ā€ said Bitzan, who is also director of the institute and a professor of management.

ā€œTo me, itā€™s alarming that students are saying, ā€˜You canā€™t have an opinion on something that differs from the correct or appropriate opinion without being reported to the university.ā€™ā€


In an attempt to identify exactly what kind of statements by professors students would reportā€”be they opinions with which students disagree, or strictly racial slurs, sexual harassment or personal attacksā€”the survey provided 10 examples of comments the students would report as offensive. The options included ā€œIt is clear that affirmative action is doing more harm than good and should be eliminatedā€ and ā€œA civilized society doesnā€™t need guns.ā€ Sean Stevens, director of polling and analytics at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a campus civil liberties watchdog group, said in his view most of the statements prompted would be ā€œvery reasonable statements to make.ā€

He said several of the example statements, while potentially controversial, are supported by data, have been published in peer-reviewed literature or have been debated and ruled upon in court. Others may reflect more of a professorā€™s personal opinion but are opinions held by ā€œplenty of people.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think any of those are necessarily that unreasonable, albeit they may be offensive to some people,ā€ Stevens said.

The likelihood of reporting instructors was higher among conservative students when the statements provided were liberal-leaning and higher among liberal students when the statements were conservative-leaning.

The findings on studentsā€™ likelihood to report offensive comments were part of a larger annual survey assessing student perceptions about campus culture and viewpoint diversity. About 60 percent of the students surveyed identified as liberal and 20 percent conservative, according to the report. These demographics are similar to those represented in a national analysis of free speech on college campuses by FIRE.

Stevens, director of polling at FIRE, said the survey findings on studentsā€™ level of comfort speaking on campus about controversial subjects are similar to results FIRE has seen in its student polls since 2020. He noted that FIRE has seen even lower rates of comfort, likely because its polls specifically asked students about their comfort discussing ā€œcontroversial political topics.ā€

Although the survey questions were written and analyzed by Bitzan and the Challey Instituteā€”a conservative-leaning interdisciplinary institute housed in North Dakota Stateā€™s College of Businessā€”the poll was conducted by an independent survey group, College Pulse, in May and June. Its margin of error was plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.


ā€œIā€™m very confident that the results are accurate,ā€ Bitzan said. ā€œI do think that there are definitely differences between the way liberal students and conservative students view the campus climate in terms of openness to different points of view.ā€

Some of the poll answers suggest that a majority of students perceive their campuses as being generally open to the sharing of controversial or unpopular ideas. About 70 percent say they feel at least somewhat comfortable sharing their opinions on a sensitive topic.

But of the students who felt at least somewhat comfortable with the campus climate, about half said it was because they believe their views align with most other studentsā€™ and professorsā€™.

ā€œThey say the campus climate is open to a variety of points of view,ā€ Bitzan said of students surveyed. ā€œBut it could be a signal of, ā€˜I think that the campus climate agrees with my point of view. If thereā€™s something that I view as unacceptable, or not aligning with my point of view, then Iā€™m not tolerant of that.ā€™ā€

ā€œStudents are saying you canā€™t have an opinion on something that differs from the correct or appropriate opinion without being reported to the university.ā€

Stevens, director of polling at FIRE, said the survey findings on studentsā€™ level of comfort speaking on campus about controversial subjects are similar to results FIRE has found in its student polls since 2020. He noted that the reported rates of comfort were likely even lower because students were specifically asked about discussing ā€œcontroversial political topics.ā€

Jonathan Friedman, director of the free expression and education programs at PEN America, a free speech advocacy group, said the survey results align with what heā€™s heard is happening on many campuses across the country. The frequency with which students are reporting professors ā€œis scaling up in a way that universities havenā€™t really dealt with before.ā€

Institutions lack ā€œgood, clear processes or apparatusesā€ to receive, process and investigate the reports, Friedman said, and as a result many faculty often feel like theyā€™re ā€œteaching on eggshells.ā€

ā€œYou do have to do some work to explain to students what might meet the bar for being reported, teaching some of the distinctions between speech that offends versus speech that harms, or the difference between disagreement and discrimination,ā€ he added.

Ken Pope

Ken Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-DueƱas, Hector Y. Adames, Janet L. Sonne, and Beverly A. Greene
Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patients (APA, 2023)

ā€œWhat is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.ā€
ā€• Salman Rushdie


#teaching #politics #fos #freedomofspeech #college #university #professor #classroom #research #psychology #liberal #conservative #freeexpression #offensivespeech #discrimination

Last updated 1 year ago

Wisconsin Examiner · @WIExaminer
384 followers · 474 posts · Server
William Gibson Bot · @bot_wg
148 followers · 734 posts · Server

RT @PENamerica :
šŸ§µHow did PEN America defend and celebrate this week? On Wednesday, we urged school officials in Nixa, , to retain Art Spiegelmanā€™s graphic novel Maus and two other books that were flagged by as "sexually explicit."

#freeexpression #missouri

Last updated 1 year ago

Wow. The govt condemns the Office of the UN High Commissioner for , after the latter posted a tweet yesterday urging the HK authorities to release anyone detained for and . Will it increase 's reputation in the ā€¦

#hk #humanrights #freeexpression #freepeacefulassembly #china #un

Last updated 1 year ago

AngryAndrew · @AngryAndrew
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

The New Censorship
ā€©As much as we might think that the Internet has increased information freedom, so called cancel culture has ushered in a new era of self-entitled censorship. Censorship applied to ideas that are important to be discussed, regardless of your particular opinion.


#censorship #cancelculture #intolerance #fascism #politicallyincorrect #freespeech #freeexpression #ignoranceisstrength #orwellian #thoughtpolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Sohan Dsouza · @SohanDsouza
56 followers · 193 posts · Server

ā€œTo be sure, it might be that bad actors like ISIS are able to use platforms like defendantsā€™ for illegalā€”and sometimes terribleā€”ends. But the same could be said of cell phones, email, or the internet generally.ā€

#algorithms #Technology #freeexpression #SupremeCourt #america #Internet #law #section230

Last updated 1 year ago

šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3456 followers · 4858 posts · Server
šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3444 followers · 4849 posts · Server

If youā€™re interested in , , , , , , , , , , , , , etc. I would just like to say that this month you can get 20% off a yearā€™s membership of by using the promo code APRIL2023 and support our small literary magazine:

#mekongreview #independentpress #democracy #freeexpression #humanrights #history #writers #geopolitics #politics #art #books #literature #southeastasia #asia

Last updated 2 years ago

šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3372 followers · 4750 posts · Server
šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3362 followers · 4727 posts · Server
Defending Rights & Dissent · @rightsdissent
284 followers · 598 posts · Server

RT @ncacensorship
Florida's legislative and administrative acts of intimidation to deter access to LGBTQ culture seriously attacks First Amendment principles. Read a joint response from the free speech community below.

#freeexpression #firstamendment #florida #FreeSpeeh

Last updated 2 years ago

šŸ“”(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips · @RTP
3347 followers · 4710 posts · Server
IFEX · @ifex
558 followers · 98 posts · Server

Preventing digital violence against women in Colombia, political prisoners released in and ā€œapology of terrorismā€ criminalised in

February 2023 in the Americas: A special feature on new legislation aiming to defend women's safety in the digital space in plus the latest free expression news from t

#colombia #freeexpression #freedomofexpression #humanrights #nicaragua #peru

Last updated 2 years ago