Brandon 👏👏 Brandoff 👏👏 · @ADHDefy
376 followers · 1547 posts · Server

I've been stressed out lately with some good, old fashioned life happening at me, but one of the things that's been helping a lot is before bed.

"How did you learn to meditate, Mr. Defy?" You ask with a child-like innocence, as I throw my head back in boisterous laughter and tousle your hair.

Please, call me ADH. Mr. Defy was my estranged uncle that went to federal prison for burning down the post office he worked for in the '70s.

To answer your question, I learned by playing . Specifically, a game called . It is very cool and a cute polygonal fox instructs you in mindfulness and meditation techniques--BUT I just learned that the developer made a sequel called that is similar in concept but also involves journaling and cultivating a beautiful island, and it's totally freeeeeee!!

If you have an interest in learning about casual and you have a or PC (or a ), give it a shot!

#meditating #videogames #playne #inward #meditation #windows #linux #SteamDeck #pcgaming #freegames #freegamesonsteam

Last updated 1 year ago

Richy Garcia :verified: · @richygarcia84
153 followers · 637 posts · Server
Richy Garcia :verified: · @richygarcia84
153 followers · 635 posts · Server