#hiking #freeganism #gathering
Was out hiking and gathering on a beautiful spring afternoon and I happened upon a large Heinz ketchup bottle bloom! Score!
Baby, you are coming home with me and I'm putting you inside of me.
#hiking #freeganism #gathering
'Tis the season for dumpsterdiving for unwanted presents and old things that's been replaced by gifted newer versions. (And especially here in Norway those old versions don't have to be especially old).
If you have access to an apartment complex/the trash of several households, don't waste these couple of days. I've found a lot of nice things during this season.
#dumpsterdiving #freeganism #overconsumption
"Eat thrash, eat ass, eat the upper class"
Use freely
#mykofanesvlepy #freegan #possum #anarchist #freeganism #sticker #glitter #lildumpsterfire
#mykofanesvlepy #freegan #possum #Anarchist #freeganism #sticker #glitter #lildumpsterfire
Some months ago I found an Airpod case with a left Airpod in it on the street. I asked online for a right Airpod, and got one. Unfortunately it was the wrong generation (1 and 2 look exactly the same, but does not work well together). Today I found a right one alone on the ground, and it was the same generation as the left one! So I guess now I'm one of those Airpod people, although I'm against them on principle because of the enormous e-waste potential of stuff made to not be repairable like this.
Have you ever tried (or considered to try) any #freegan food (e.g. dumpster-dived food), while you considered yourself to be vegan? Or answer one of the two "Yes" options if you consider yourself freegan.
(Boosts OK) CC: @vegan@a.gup.pe
#freegan #poll #freeganism #dumpsterdiving #veganism
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism
2.5kg of blueberries. Good. (Gonna freeze it)
4 tangerine juices. Good.
5 peppers. Good.
Very sweet grapes. Good.
I don't know what else to say, it's just a good treasure.
The dumpster was quite smelly, I have to admit (it was like 30°C today, so it's normal that it stinks), but it was worth it.
Btw I used my new rubber gloves for the first time, feels good.
(Btw v2 i threw out the broccoli, and froze the bananas for ice creams)
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism
En: it's a day before 2 days free of work. Because of this, dumpsters were full, so that's great, but because of that I don't have any gloves (my last pair got destroyed some time ago), I wasn't able to dive deep at all.
While diving, I spotted a broken glass bottle and i accidentally cut my finger a bit.
So yeah, I ended up with not very huge treasure, I'm somewhat sad because of that.
Btw let me know if Non-polish speaking people read my dumpster-diving posts, because I don't know if I should write them in polish, or should I switch to English.
PL: mamy za chwile swieto, wiec smietniki były pełne, wiec super, ale jako ze nie mam juz wiecej rekawiczek (ostatnia para mi się rozwalila jakis czas temu), nie moglem zbyt gleboko buszować.
Do tego w czasie buszowania, zauwazylem ze leży w smietniku potluczona butelka i przecialem sobie lekko palec.
Takze tak, moje zdobycze są duzo gorsze w porownaniu z tym jakie moglyby być i mi troche przykro.
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism
Niewiele rzeczy, ale zawsze jakies.
Zadziwił mnie ten cały melon, bo wyglada dobrze. Fakt, ciemnieje, ale stawiam ze to oznaka dojrzalosci, a nie zepsucia (bo jest twardy).
Roszpunke trzeba przetworzyc na pesto, nie widze innej opcji, zwlaszcza ze ona krotko wytrzymuje.
#cotygodniowyraportsmietnikowy #freeganism