MORE BEAUTIFUL SUMMER PRODUCE TO SHARE! And it’s a beautiful day. We’d love to have you out for a free meal today! See you at 4!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #MutualAid #solidarity #freegroceries #freemeal #kansascity #kcmo

Last updated 1 year ago

We had a delicious meal of burrito bowls with chili soy curls and fajita veggies over rice, topped with guacamole! We also had ice cold water and lemonade, desserts, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! With our community’s help, we shared food with upwards of 80 people AND saved hundreds of pounds of produce and other groceries from the landfill! Thanks for another wonderful day and we’ll see you next Sunday!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #kansascity #kcmo #lykins #solidarity #MutualAid #freegroceries #freemeal

Last updated 1 year ago

Come on out for a free hot meal, it’ll be nice and cool and not raining by 4! Plus some rain can be celebrated in a years-long drought! Many have been without power for hours or days. We’d love to share a meal and some groceries with you! Storms like this are a great reminder of why we need to continue to build bonds within our communities and keep on building mutual aid networks. See you soon!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #kansascity #kcmo #solidarity #MutualAid #freefood #freemeal #freegroceries

Last updated 1 year ago

🍈 NOTHING GOES TO WASTE HERE! We’ve got flavorful boiled corn and potatoes, fruit salad, broccoli salad, and baked treats to share today, and a lovely compost pile too! With this much food that would have been thrown in the landfill, NOBODY SHOULD EVER GO HUNGRY! Come see us today!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #MutualAid #solidarity #kansascity #kcmo #freegroceries #freemeal

Last updated 1 year ago

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU NEVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT WHERE YOUR NEXT MEAL WAS COMING FROM? Would you spend more time outside? Would you spend more time with friends and family or out in your community? Would you spend more time reading and learning new skills, or take some time to relax? We believe that there is enough food that nobody should ever go hungry or worry about how to get safe, healthy food. And every week, we work to make that a reality! Thanks to our community, we can work together in solidarity to lift the burden of food insecurity together. There is no boundary between those who cook and those who eat. We invite you out to join us and imagine the future we want to see! We’ll be there at 4, rain or shine! Let this radicalize you, rather than lead you to despair!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #foodisaright #solidarity #MutualAid #LetThisRadicalizeYou #kcmo #kansascity #freegroceries

Last updated 1 year ago

EVERY MEAL IS A PROTEST! If you believe that access to food is a HUMAN RIGHT and not a privilege for those who can afford it, come on out and get involved! There’s room for everyone in the growing mutual aid movement! A better future starts TODAY. See you at 4!

#solidarity #MutualAid #freemeal #foodnotbombs #kcmo #kansascity #foodisahumanright #anticapitalism #HOUSINGISARIGHT #fightingthemanwithaspooninhand #freegroceries

Last updated 2 years ago

🏳️‍⚧️ Here at KCFNB we believe that trans rights are human rights! Strong communities are a great defense against dangerous laws that seek to harm our trans and gender non-conforming friends, neighbors, and community members. Any attempt to legislate against the rights of the people to express their gender identity is violence. We invite everyone to come out and make a friend while enjoying a meal. We need strong community ties more and more every day! We would love to see you today or any Sunday. It’s also a great time to talk about how to get further involved with FNB!
🌶️ As it warms up, we have more and more people come out to dine with us! We’re still looking for another source of produce that would otherwise go to waste. Keep your eyes peeled!

#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #foodisaright #transrightsarehumanrights #solidarity #MutualAid #kansascity #kcmo #Vegan #freefood #freemeal #freegroceries

Last updated 2 years ago