OMG YESSSSS Open-Source Controller!! @_@
#OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #Controller #Alpakka #AlpakkaController #freehardware
#opensource #foss #AlpakkaController #freehardware #controller #oss #alpakka
@godpod Free Software.
Free Hardware.
Free Licenses.
I'd basically give GNU to God :gnu:
#GNU #GodWantYouFree #Freedom #FreeHardware #FreeSofware #God @GreenSkyOverMe @OrionFed
#god #freesofware #freehardware #freedom #GodWantYouFree #GNU
A breve verrà lanciato un nuovo crowdfunding, quello per MNT PocketReform.
Si tratta di un piccolo computer portatile che è trasparente su ciò che sta eseguendo e che restituisce il controllo all'utente, il controllo sui sistemi operativi, sugli aggiornamenti e sul software.
I file sorgente del progetto sono disponibili qui:
Debian GNU/Linux
Supporto per altre distribuzioni:
Arch, Ubuntu, Void
Piano 9 (9front)
KDE Plasma
Hardware libero
Stampare le proprie parti (ad esempio la custodia)
Contribuire e migliorare il dispositivo con modifiche
Cosa mi piacerebbe? Leggere i termini hardware libero e software libero invece di opensource ;)
#mnt #PocketReform #freehardware
A new crowdfunding will launch soon, the one for the MNT Pocket Reform
They are building a small, portable computer that is transparent about what it’s running and that gives control back to the user, control over operating systems, updates, and software.
You can find the project source files here:
Debian GNU/Linux
Support for other distributions: Arch, Ubuntu, Void
Plan 9 (9front)
KDE Plasma
Free Hardware
Free Hardware (full sources available)
Print your own parts (e.g. case in any color possible)
Contribute and improve the device with mods
What I would love? To read the terms free hardware and free software instead of opensource ;)
#mnt #PocketReform #freehardware
@MatthewToad42 @JessTheUnstill @tkteo I think your first part of your comment might be due to a misunderstanding of what I mean by "commercial". I don't mean commercial/enterprise-grade.
I mean that it isn't #FreeSoftware and/or #LibreHardware (#OpenHardware / #FreeHardware), that it is sold for a profit.
Consumer-grade products are usually commercial products. Almost none aren't, because reliable & repairable hardware isn't useful for grifting.
#freesoftware #librehardware #openhardware #freehardware #righttorepair
@tommythorn Requiring NDAs or business relationships for access to documentation is fundamentally contrary to any notion of #FreeHardware, #LibreHardware or #OpenHardware.
They don't owe me anything, but they also simply cannot be the saviors of these things if that's the choice they make.
It's not that complicated.
#freehardware #librehardware #openhardware
A reminder that #RISCV is no savior of #FreeHardware, #OpenHardware or #LibreHardware.
The RISC-V Foundation is actively fighting any hopes it has of being such.
#riscv #freehardware #openhardware #librehardware
The aim of IPJ-Bio is the design and fabrication of a free piezoelectric inkjet print-head, optimized for the bioprinting field. This low-cost, reproducible, reliable, versatile and biocompatible device will enable various research laboratories to work with a shared device; the free licenses allow for parts to be modified to suit specific needs.
The design was carried out by Finite Element (FE) modelling of the piezoelectric, mechanical, fluid dynamics and their coupling. The design was optimized for shear rate, which we minimized in order to be able to print cells.
The refilling system, and the electronic control are also part of the project and are freely available to download.
#ipj #freesoftware #freehardware
The FreeIO project was founded in March, 2000 by Diehl Martin to create Free/Open hardware designs licensed under the GNU GPL.
#freehardware #freehw #openhardware #openhw #floss #foss #opensource #GPL
#freehardware #freehw #openhardware #openhw #floss #foss #opensource #gpl
Session III: #OpenHardware #OpenSourceHardware #OSH #FreeHardware - alles meint das Gleiche, aber was eigentlich?
#openhardware #opensourcehardware #osh #freehardware
Non sarà decisiva, ma la fatica per farlo è minima
Oh, one more. Michael Fisher, a.k.a. Mr. Mobile.
Very smooth, incredible production value, and almost always interesting.
I was a huge gadget guy until all the gadgets started coming with chains and shackles. 😔
Nace #HackPichel a comissão de fedelhar com trebelhos da Gentalha do Pichel! 🎉
#FLOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FreeHardware #Galiza #SantiagoDeCompostela #CentrosSociais
#CentrosSociais #santiagodecompostela #galiza #freehardware #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FLOSS #hackpichel
I came across this interesting article ( by the #libreboot project about #LibreHardware or #FreeHardware regarding the shortcomings of the #RYF as well as the #FSDG and the uses of CPU #microcode.
Modern hardware is broken and unfortunately tradeoffs are needed, but also those criteria misunderstand a number of evolving technical details.
#libreboot #librehardware #freehardware #ryf #fsdg #microcode #firmware #freedom #softwarefreedom
Determinar la contaminación de un río necesita de varias técnicas. Una de ellas es la determinación de metales pesados en el cauce mediante la extracción de diferentes capas de subsuelo.
Aprende cómo hacerlo con este método sencillo y accesible.
#opensource #AutodefensaVecinal #muestreo #freehardware
I am taking steps to cripple russian technological infrastructure by arguing to enforce the Freedom 2 of Free Software.
#UA #Ukraine #supportUkraine #standWithUkraine #ukraineCrisis #RU #Russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin
#FSF #FSFE #FreeSoftware #FreeHardwareDesigns #FreeHardware #Freedom #FreeSoftwareMovement #FOSS #FLOSS
#ua #ukraine #supportUkraine #StandWithUkraine #ukrainecrisis #ru #russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #fsf #fsfe #freesoftware #freehardwaredesigns #freehardware #freedom #freesoftwaremovement #foss #floss
Yolo and lets hope it doesn't break anything :smug:
(It shouldn't as the notch is just for alignment.. so already a design improvement~)
#voron #voronDesign #vorrenrey #3DPrinting #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #FreeHardware #FreeHardwareDesigns
#voronDesign #voron #vorrenrey #3dprinting #foss #floss #freesoftware #freehardware #freehardwaredesigns
So that's what they meant about the object not being fully parametrized.. That's so annoying (requires additional calculations instead of constrains)
#voron #voronDesign #vorrenrey #3DPrinting #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #FreeHardware #FreeHardwareDesigns
#vorrenrey #3dprinting #foss #floss #freesoftware #freehardware #freehardwaredesigns #voron #voronDesign
I am ending maintenance of all my already published open-source projects and contributions until I finish the work on sufficient management solution.
The projected solution is expected to have test-driven Quality Assurance ("QA") meaning that anyone can merge as long as their contribution passes tests with both rolling (may contain malware, sandboxed bootstrapping for testing is projected to be provided for all repos) and release-based cycle (malware-free and stricter QA).
I may publish more projects during this period, but i won't be responding to issues and merge requests as much.
#foss #floss #oshw #freesoftware #freehardware #Kreyren
This guy makes a lot of cool stuff!
#oshw #freehardware #freehardwaredesigns #fsf #fsfe